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Author Topic: Mining like a Sir: automated trading software for ALL crypto currencies BTC LTC  (Read 30464 times)

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I came across this hidden gem. Software that actually pays itself back! No more mining - join the pros!

Software "home" Page:

Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader
Current Version : 1.8

+ + +
Mintpal Release will happens after API Will be released to all users

C.A.T. Guide / Tips & Tricks / Version Log

What is C.A.T.?
C.A.T. is an "automatic-trader" written using Exchanger API + Java Code (Desktop Application)
You only need to choose markets, set the first orders and parameters (not mandatory) and the let C.A.T. algorithm trade for you.
C.A.T. works on Linux/Windows/Mac with Java 8

Gain is guaranteed?
When a Ping-Pong Order is Completed, there's a Mathematical Gain. With the right choose you will surely improve your gains amount.
It's not easy to trade 24/H day on over 100 Markets, With C.A.T. You can.

Does C.A.T. communicate with third part server?
No, C.A.T. communicate only with the Site you're trading on.

How Much Does It Costs and how can i buy it?
C.A.T. is composed by A Core Structure, A set of utilities and a Set Of Api Site Interface
You Must Pay only what you want to use, so it's not mandatory to buy all C.A.T. API interfaces.
To Buy A C.A.T. Copy Pm Me

Payment Address : 1NZf5zQd5S3HZrWeDXjg81UPdareaAiCqA

- After Purchase All next C.A.T. release will be free
- Your C.A.T. copy is personal and related to your Crypty Public Key so Do Not Change Your API Key or you won't be able to use C.A.T.
- Refund is not possibile (C.A.T. is not an hardware)
- Support is given on the latest C.A.T. Release
- I Am Not Responsible about Site problems or bad Api Responses
- If you buy a Copy from another C.A.T. user i'm not responsible about any kind of problems (i will only change nickname "olduser"->"newUser" in my C.A.T. Users List)
- If you try to scam me/other people or you will try to ruin my reputation i will report you and i will remove your key from next C.A.T. release.


Affiliate Program
- 0.10 Direct to Your BTC Account for each person you suggest to buy CAT
- 0.15 Discount For a C.A.T. Review on your Blog/Site (i will send back 0.15 after the review)

Support & Other Info

Cryptsy API Activation
- Go to page, API Section
- Check Enable API Button
- Under Your API Keys there will be 2 keys : one is the Private the other is the Public.
- Never Re-Generate These Keys

BTC-e API Activation
- Go to
- Create a new API Keys with the CREATE Button
- Check INFO e TRADE permission
- SAVE your PRIVATE KEY, because BTC-E will mask it when you'll reload the page

Poloniex API Activation
- Go to
- Create e new Api Keys with "Create New Button"
- Don't Activate (for your security if someone stole your Private Key) Can Withdraw Option

MrPiggy : Scam a user who paid first and never sent CAT. Try to scam me.
uozer : Try to Scam Me and try to ruin my reputation
kevbot : Payment in 2 times : never pay second part, never response to PM.

This is the ONLY OFFICIAL C.A.T. TOPIC : Help me to avoid user scam!
Cryptsy Forum Topic
Bitcoin Forum

.. Karma!


~~~ ~~~

Conare nullius momenti videri fortasse missilibus careant
All spelling mistakes are my own and may only be distributed under the GNU General Public License! – (© 95-1 by Coredump; 2-013 by DevNullius)

Updated this article with newest information July 2014. Old information was December 2013/January 2014
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Re: Mining like a Sir: automated trading software: first steps
« Reply #1 on: 02. January 2014., 16:10:23 »
I'm scared as hell, but here we go...

My first steps in trading :s

I installed C.A.T. after the great 10x end-of-year promotion, giving it for 0.5BTC instead the 1 BTC (or 0.8BTC with referral - I should ask mine:)

First Tab, markets looks as promissed. My screenshot here:

All in all, just as promissed. But I have no idea what to do now... : )

Some questions or thoughts that pop up while reading the manual (

* "It's where you create your Ping Pong Algorithm"
Ok, C.A.T. is al into sports and Ping Pong. Great! Is Ping Pong some secret formula? Is it proprietary or open to modification? I dunno. Let's read on.

* "Actions you can perform" (on the Ping Pong Process)
Start, stop. I'm left wondering... Will this tool keep trading (what I think), or should I once in a while check the markets and let me be guided with C.A.T. for a round of buy/trade?

* "Status Label Meanings" (for the Ping Pong Process)
Green means Ping Pong is sleeping. I suppose it once in a while will wake up, check things and execute them? So than indeed, C.A.T. is fully automatic trading by a (smart, I hope) bot / algorithm.

* The Ping Pong Process can be tuned with some parameters.
The manual gives a lot of details: I will save them for later, but I'm pretty sure I'm having some blanks...

* "Run Algorithm For XX Minutes and then return all to primary/secondary currency"
'after that amount of minutes C.A.T. will stop create Buy/Sell Ping Orders and will stop create PONG Orders of Buy/Sell Type (depending by your return currency chosen). All pending trades, buy pool and internal structure will remain frozen until user de-check this option.'
If this option is disabled by default, it makes sense. Else I'm confused again :)

* "GENERATE PING-PONG Algo With the first orders. Choose Type+Price+Quantity and press ADD PING ORDER (repeat for each order you want to create)"
Hmmm... I don't understand this part. I must check the GUI first for what actually happens here! Now I just understand it as creating multiple Ping Pong Processes, each with their own parameters set (and hopefully; wallets!).
Also see this: ...

A - Ping (USER INPUT) -> TRADE (Reference Price) -> Pong (At least % GAIN) -> GAIN -> TOTAL IN BUY/SELL POOL

B - BUY/SELL POOL (AUTO) -> Ping At Best Market Condition -> TRADE (Reference Price) -> Pong (At least % GAIN) -> GAIN -> TOTAL IN BUY/SELL POOL

and then loop restart fron B.

So... Still don't see if it's continuously running or a manual action each time. More later, no doubt. It's rather essential :>

So far, this was the manual. Up to - where the action really happens. I hope :)

I'll <EDIT> more later! I need the price of BTC to go up just a little further to secure my investments and keep enough for trading with C.A.T.... With Christmas, everybody was checking out - now they are buying again!  :P


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  • Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
    • - Samker's Computer Forum
I'm scared as hell, but here we go...

My first steps in trading :s

I installed C.A.T. after the great 10x end-of-year promotion, giving it for 0.5BTC instead the 1 BTC (or 0.8BTC with referral - I should ask mine:)

First Tab, markets looks as promissed. My screenshot here:

All in all, just as promissed. But I have no idea what to do now...
: )


What's happening here? ;)


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What's happening here? ;)

Nothing yet - I need to sell some BC's - but I'm waiting with cashing in because profit not yet high enough to cover 1. debt and 2. some fun with trading. When price goes to 750, I'll sell large part and continue with maybe 1 or at most 2 BCs.

So... Stay tuned: I'll be back ;p


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I had been waiting until things were more stable @ my end.

Sold some BTC, pressure is off, and I got 0.5 to 2.5 BTC to start (min/extreme max).

First things first: what do I do now?

Secondly also first: can I use C.A.T. to start buying LOTTOCOIN LOT? Or should I just go to and buy - my wallets are still empty - except for the private BTC one that I wanna open up ; -)

* awaiting a reply *


What's happening here? ;)

Nothing yet - I need to sell some BC's - but I'm waiting with cashing in because profit not yet high enough to cover 1. debt and 2. some fun with trading. When price goes to 750, I'll sell large part and continue with maybe 1 or at most 2 BCs.

So... Stay tuned: I'll be back ;p

More information about bitcoin, altcoin & crypto in general? GO TO

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Long live personalized support with lifetime license - this guy is gonna regret the day selling to devvie - for half off even! ;p

I got my reply. I am still not clear; but I have not re-read the manual and a week has gone bye.

So I'm gonna RTFM and move some wallets around.

Below a copy paste of the answer I received:
"Quote: First things first: what do I do now?

- Choose the markets you want to start
- Place you first orders (Ping Buy/Ping Sell) on that markets
But don't forget to read the guidE!

Quote: can I use C.A.T. to start buying LOTTOCOIN LOT?

It depends, if you buy LOTTOTOCOIN with C.A.t., the programs will start a PING-PONG process with a Buy Order"

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"Load markets using "With statistic calculation" and choose 5-10 markets with the highest number of buy-Sell (but equilibrate number)"

So doing that!

(Loading markets data)

Then I need to chose the markets that have the highest number buy/sell numbers.

The columns I can see and might need some further clarification...
* Volume: units of the coin being moved? Today? Ever? Already minted? I should look into this.
* Sell Order
* Buy Order
* Sell Trade 24H
* Buy Trade 24H

And after some thinking, this is what the other columns do, I think. Below are the real answers!
* High: highest price offered. Today?
* Low: lowest price, today?
* Last Trade: last transaction of two parties, on file with cryptsy, agreeing on #price given
* Difference: how volatile is the price in the last 24H (="today")? What is the difference between high/low, in percentage. The lower the number, the lower the risk, the lower the short-term gain.

Answers from TFM
These are the statistics calculated :
- % Difference is the difference between High/Low Trades of the last 24Hours
(I like my explanation better, but I think we mean the same thing)
- "Sell Order" and "Buy Order"-columns are the numbers of the current orders
(I still do not know what these numbers represent - they are just too neat. I'll check cryptsy manuals next...)
- "Sell Trade 24" and "Buy Trade 24H"-columns are the numbers of trades in the last 24Hours
(That makes sense)

I asked the developer which column to sort (or: what to look for exactly). For now, my best guess (and it makes sense to me) is that you need to sort the column %Difference. The more volatile, the more chances Ping Pong has to make some money for you :)
The answer from developer: "The colums are the last 2 : Sell/Buy trade 24H (yes you can sort all colums). Choose high and equilibrate values : 400/500 450/600 550/400 etc...."

I still do not know what Ping Pong is btw... :>

An example of the %Difference calculation...

As you can see in above picture, this is the calculation:
HIGH = LOW + (x/100)*LOW        (x represents %Difference. C.A.T. calculates this for you)

Till re-edit

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No real new information from me. But a lot has changed for this program - and it's good! A half year later, I'm still using it and the software upgrades and new features keep coming. Speaking about active developer... Sampey is it! So I updated the first post in this thread to reflect the newest information.

Newest ANN can be found here:

If time permits I'll update this article with new information on how you could and should use software bots like this... Give me time?  ::)

Until then: if you want this tool with +0.1 BTC discount, be sure to let me know! @devnullius or PM is good. Or contact Sampey directly here:;u=130152 and tell him you were referred by "DEVNULLIUS". He will then give you a +0.1 BTC discount. And if you are willing to write a review / article about C.A.T. you can get an additional +0.15 BTC discount... And yes, this software program is definitely worth it! You *will* make your money back! It's not magic, you can screw up too - but then *you* screwed up (or the market). This program will do as you told it. Don't want to lose more than 10% on a coin to protect your investments? Create a rule to sell all at *your* conditions. It's all possible, on multiple exchanges!!

More information about bitcoin, altcoin & crypto in general? GO TO

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Re: Mining like a Sir: How to use C.A.T.?
« Reply #8 on: 03. July 2014., 22:59:16 »
0.1 BTC DISCOUNT? SEE HERE:,8566.msg25274.html#msg25274



[btc] Login [btc]
First time you start C.A.T. you will get an Empty Login GUI
- Choose The Site You want to log In
- Insert your private and your public key and press Enter
- C.A.T. will verify your key and will try a call to the Trade Site you choose
- No Third Part Server Will be ever called by C.A.T.

If KeyPair is accepted you will get a Welcome Message

- C.A.T. will save your Public/Private Key in a File named Key.XML. This File is inside the CATSystem Directory. 
- Root directory is "currentRunCATdirectory\CATSystem\TradingSiteName\"
- Inside TradingSiteName Folder you will find :
  • ErrorLogs Directory
  • GainLogs Directory
  • MarketLogs
- If these folders doesn't exists, C.A.T. will create them.
- EXCHANGER.xml could contains some data about Trading Site (Fees,Currency With no Decimal Places,Fiat Currencies)

[btc] Main Panel [btc]
  In the Image you could see a full operative C.A.T. Program, trading on 15 Markets and with all the Utility Tabs Open.

Action From The Toolbar :

- File -> Save/Load Markets & Exit Program : save/load the XML File containing Markets List with Ping-Pong Parameters your previously saved.

- Dashboard -> Open Markets List, Your Balances, Global Gain, General Statistics, Market Analyzer, Error Console

- Markets Global Action : you can cancel/remove all kind of orders/trades, stop process, stop/restart ping/pong creation. Action choosen is sent to all open markets.

- Other Market Action : you can close ALL Orders (C.A.T. Orders + "Site-Only" Orders) or Check Difference Between Best Buy/Sell Orders on Each Open Markets

- Tools : Simple Program Option

- Info: Some Info About C.A.T.

- Api Connection: Every API Calls, you will see a "red blink". If connection drops, icon will change from Green To Red.

[btc] Markets List [btc]
  C.A.T. will identify the Main Markets (BTC,LTC, etc...) and you'll be able to load only the sub-markets of the Main Markets.
With the "Statistic Calculation" box activated, C.A.T. will calculate some additional statistics over the orders/trades (this operation is longer than the normal market load process)

These are the statistics calculated :
- % Difference is the difference between High/Low Trades of the last 24Hours
- Sell Order/Buy Order are the numbers of currently orders
- Sell Trade/Buy Trade 24H is the numbers of trades in the last 24Hours

You can sort this table in Ascending/Descending Order by clicking on the Column Header
Double Click On a Row will Open a new Tab for the selected Market.

[btc] My Balances [btc]
  If you want to check your balances press the button "Load Balances"
Positive Balances are highlighted in green.
You can sort the table by Column.
You can Export Your Portfolio to XLS Format.

Estimated Portfolio Values is calculated this way : BTC Amount + Sum of All AltCurrency * lastMarketPrice

Real Portfolio Values is calculated this way : C.A.T. will simulate a completed Sell of your Alternative Currencies in that precise moment, filling all buy orders starting from best buy price.

If you Double Click on a Market, you can open it.

[btc] Market [btc]

There's a dedicate Tab for Each Open Market. This Tab is composed by a little Main Panel On The Top and a set of Tabbed Panel :

From The Main Panel :

Action you can perform from the dropdown list (You Must press the EXECUTE button) :
- Stop The Ping Pong Process
- Stop/Restart The Creation of new Ping Orders (current orders over the market will remain active)
- Close All Orders over the current market
- Close All Ping Orders over the current market

Status Label Meanings :
- Wait (Green) : Algo Is Sleeping
- Lookup (Yellow) : Algo Is Checking For Trades/OrderCreation/OrderRecreation etc...
- Red (Zombie) : There is nothing to do, no Buy/Sell Pool Values, No Ping, No Pong, No Trades
- Stop (Black) : Algo Is Not Running

Ping-Pong Tab
This is where you create/update the Ping-Pong Algo.

Ping Pong Parameter

- Run Algorithm For XX Minutes and then return all to primary/secondary currency : With this option Checked C.A.T. will normally run for the numbers of minutes set by user. After that amount of minutes C.A.T. will stop create Buy/Sell Ping Orders and will stop create PONG Orders of Buy/Sell Tipe (depending by your return currency choose)
All pending trades, buy pool and internal structure will remain frozen until user de-check this option.

Static Mode
Choose a fixed price for Buy/Sell and C.A.T. will always Buy/Sell at these prices, without any adjustment.

Normal Mode
- Min % Guaranteed Gain. Is the minimal % of GAIN you want guaranteed from C.A.T. after a Buy-Sell/Sell-Buy operation. If this percentage is not guaranteed, C.A.T. will wait.
This Is The Only Mandatory Parameter

- Never Recalculate User Ping Orders : With this option Checked, C.A.T. will not retry to calculate orders inserted from the GUI by the user. Price of these orders will remain static.
- Always Try to Create Ping Orders From Buy/Sell Pool : C.A.T. by default try to create your Ping Orders, if current % Difference Between Best Buy/Sell Price is > % Gain You have Set. With this option activated, C.A.T. will skip this check. All other checks will be performed.
- Always Created Pong Orders From Trade : C.A.T. by default try to create your Pong Order on top of the sell/buy book order. If this is not possible (there's no % Gain Guaranteed) C.A.T. will retry later. With this option activated, if order creation is not possible on top book, C.A.T. will calculate the minimum price (TradePrice +/- %GAIN) and will create the order INSIDE the Order Book
- Check To Not Buy/Sell To Yourself : When you have Buy and Sell orders at the same time, after the price calculation, C.A.T. will check to not buy or sell to yourself. BUT in markets with 1 Satoshi difference between best buy/sell price, you  must remove this option.
- Never Buy/Sell Directly with this option you will never buy/sell directly and you orders will have 0.00000001 difference from the best Buy/Sell orders.
- Skip Orders With Total < Than. With this Option Active C.A.T. during his Algorithm will not consider orders with total amount lower than the parameter value.
- Don't create ping with total < Than. After a successfull Ping-Pong the total amount of this order will be put in the "Buy/Sell Pool" and from the "Buy/Sell Pool" will be created new sell/buy orders. With this option activated you will limit the creation on "little orders". If total in "Buy/Sell Pool" will be < than this parameter, C.A.T. will wait.
- Never Sell/Buy Under/Never Sell/Buy Over with this option activated you will limit the creaton of Buy/Sell orders with price too low or too high.
- Sell All If Price Goes Under (Works only for Sell Orders) with this option activated C.A.T. will sell your order if the market price is too low. The sell price will be current the best buy price.
- Sell All If % With Ref Price Is : (Works only for Sell+Pong Orders) Each PONG orders have a reference Price : the sell/buy price of the Original Pong Orders. C.A.T. during the algo calculate the % difference between the reference price and the current best Buy/Sell Orders. With this option activated you decide to sell a Pong Order if the % calculated is too negative. A Suggestion is to use value lower than -10%
- Stop Ping Creation If Sell Value Is > : You can decide to Stop The ping Order Creation if the Current Best Sell Value if too high, C.A.T. will restart Ping Order Creation if the Best Sell Values return lower than your parameter
- Stop Ping Creation If Buy Value Is < : You can decide to Stop The ping Order Creation if the Current Best Buy Value if too logw, C.A.T. will restart Ping Order Creation when the Best Buy Value return higher than your parameter

Ping Pong Generator

Press the Check Current Status Button if you want to get :
- Your Primary/Secondary Currency Balances
- The % Difference between the Lowest Sell Price & The Higher Buy Price
- A Suggestion about the price to start a Sell/Buy Orders (accordingly to the algo parameter you have set)

Create/Add User Ping Orders.
- Choose Type+Price+Quantity and press ADD PING ORDER (repeat for each order you want to create)
- Press the CREATE ORDERS button and C.A.T will create new orders.

During Ping-Pong Running
- You can Update All Your Parameter (Update Ping-Pong Parameter Button)
- You can add New Ping Orders. (Add New Ping Orders Button)

Algo Status Tab

  You can Check
- Algo Status : active process (by default all process are active)
- General Statistics : Sum of current/historical orders/trades values/types

Logs Tab

  There are 2 Log Tabs
- General Log : All Algo Actions are listed here
- Error Log : If an Error occurs the message will be listed in this tab.

Order And Trades Tab

  In this panel there are 4 Tabs

- Orders To Restore : If an order creation will fail (after a delete/recreate routine) C.A.T. will put the order creation request inside this tab. Creation will be retried in the next lookup.
- Ping Orders : Ping Orders are the orders created from the GUI by the users or the automatic orders created from the Buy/Sell Pool
- Trades From Ping : From this trades new Pong Orders Will Born
- Pong Orders : Pong Orders are created from Trades. When a Pong Order is completed you will have a GAIN.

With a Right Click on a single Element you could :
- Recreate/Delete An Order
- Re-Set/Delete data of an "Order To Restore"
- Delete a Trade
Action is not taken immediatedly but in the next lookup, so you have time to change your mind.

Ping Pong Completed Tab

  Here you can have a look at every market's Ping-Pong completed Cycle.

Market Explorer Tab

  If you want to have a look at the current market status the only thing you must do is press the "Refresh Status Button" and wait some seconds.
These are the info displayed
- Market current Orders
- Your current Orders
- Last Trades (Divided Buy/Sell)
- Your Last Trades (Divided Buy/Sell)

[btc] General Statistics [btc]

The "completed ping pong" chart is one for all the markets.
If you move the mouse over a column, you will see the number of Completed Ping-Pong.
There's also a Cumulative Statistic Panel like the one in every single market.
There's a Cumulative Statistic Panel for Every "Main" Market (BTC/LTC etc...)

[btc] General Log Gain [btc]

In the general gain log you can see all the Gains obtained by a Completed Ping-Pong. Gains are divided by "Main" Market (BTC,LTC....)
You can Export logs in Excel Format.

[btc] Analyzer [btc]

Market Analyzer is a tool created to compare market currencies values taken at different times.
And also to give you an hand to choose "massive" buy/sell and sell/buy when currencies values are at your advantage.

- First things to do is Load Current Market Values (you can choose all values, or only BTC,LTC,XPM)
- If you are going to sell/buy, set in the table : Action + Price + Quantity
- Save the Snapshot (xml format)

When you want to make a compare you must load 2 Market Snapshot, and then decide (select the snapshots from the combobox in the botton of Analyzer Panel) which market is the market FROM and which is the market TO. Then press COMPARE Button

Each value from the Snapshot FROM will be compared against the same value in Snapshot TO.
If Value is higher you will see in GREEN Color
If Value is lower you will see in RED Color
If you have set a BUY/SELL operation in the Snapshot FROM, you will also see a estimated value of how much can you gain/lose if you sell/buy now your previous buy/sell orders.

[btc] Console Error [btc]

All System Errors Are Listed here. Many of them are only warnings.
C.A.T. is able to recovers all HTTP Errors.
If you get some "Strange" Message, please PM Me.

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Re: Mining like a Sir: C.A.T. TIPS
« Reply #9 on: 03. July 2014., 23:00:14 »
0.1 BTC DISCOUNT? SEE HERE:,8566.msg25274.html#msg25274



- How it works the Ping-Pong Order Workflow?
This is the life of a PingPong Order. A Loop Starts From User Ping Order Creation. B Loop is Automated.

A - Ping (USER INPUT) -> TRADE (Reference Price) -> Pong (At least % GAIN) -> GAIN -> TOTAL IN BUY/SELL POOL

B - BUY/SELL POOL (AUTO) -> Ping At Best Market Condition -> TRADE (Reference Price) -> Pong (At least % GAIN) -> GAIN -> TOTAL IN BUY/SELL POOL
and then loop restart fron B.

Ping can be also buys+sells, each order will have his indipendent "life"

- How often C.A.T. will check markets?
Every 40 Seconds (for each markets) a Lookup is performed.

- How is calculated the % DIFF?
Percentage difference is calculated via this formula : (price1 - price2) / price2 * 100;
Where price1 could be from : Best Market Sell Order or Order Reference or New Value Calculated By C.A.T.
Where price2 could be from : Best Market Buy Order or Order Reference or New Value Calculated By C.A.T.

Ex :
Best Buy Price VS Best Sell Price (is the CHECK Button Result in Ping Pong Creator)
Reference Price VS New Order Price Calculated (In case of BUY Order)
New Order Price Calculated VS Reference Price  (In case of SELL Order)

- How can i Choose Best Markets to Run PING-PONG?
It doesn't exists a single answer, it depends by your strategy. Take Care of these factors :

- In Equilibrate markets, with high and similar number of trades in last 24Hours is easy to have a lot of successfully ping-pong.
Example of "High And Equilibrate in terms of 24H Trades" : 500/550 - 300/400 - 400/600 .....

- % Min Gain have his meaning for each market.
Ex :
Best Sell : 0,025
Best Buy : 0,0249
Difference is : 0,0001
% Difference is : 0,4%
Best Sell : 0,00000111
Best Buy : 0,00000110
Difference is : 0,00000001
% Difference is : 0,9%

So, Choose 1% For LTC/BTC could be a good idea, choose 1% For DOGE/BTC is a bad idea.

- Study MAX Value && MIN Value of markets during 24/48/72 Hours. Number of times that Market hits MAX-Y and MIN+Y (A window of value where you know that many times/day you will reach that value).
Place a Buy when Market is near MIN+Y, Place a Sell when Markets is Near MAX-Y
Set a % Difference near % Diff Between MIN and MAX

- You don't need to have a lot of ping-pong completed. You can have 1 Ping-Pong/Day but with enormous Gain. Some markets made a +/- 30% In 24 Hours.

- What can i do for Market Devaluation?
- Stop Using CAT If you don't have time to study markets and choose the ones to work on, during a general market devaluation phase you will loose money.
- After Stop Using CAT you will notice that you will loose money the same. (Because it's not C.A.T. fault when you loose money)
- A Manual Sell of some currencies in BTC could be a good idea

- How the "Skip Order With Total < Than" Works?
This command, when activated, will be the first operation that C.A.T. will do before any other check
Example (BTC/LCT Market) :

0.02354986   6.68382294   0.15740309
0.02354988   0.04345361   0.00102333
0.02354989   0.03050035   0.00071828
0.02354990   5.74587878   0.13531487
0.02354992   1.27806294   0.03009828
0.02354993   0.54047313   0.01272810
other orders....
0.02340506   0.03000000   0.00070215
0.02340157   1.21655125   0.02846921
0.02330005   4.00000000   0.09320020
0.02330003   0.09000000   0.00209700
0.02330002   0.01098146   0.00025587
0.02330001   101.20393854 2.35805278
other orders....

If you set Skip Order With Total < Than 0.1 this will be the "filter" result :

0.02354986   6.68382294   0.15740309
0.02354990   5.74587878   0.13531487
other orders....

0.02330001   101.20393854 2.35805278
other orders....

So, BEST Sell Price Order will be 0.02354986 and BEST Buy Price Order will be 0.02330001

- % GAIN That C.A.T. Calculate, are with fees or without fees ?
Orders are all With Fees. And % Calculated are With Fees.
So you must calculate that there is always a 0.2% Fees on a buy order and 0.3% Fees on a sell order.
C.A.T. doesn't pre-calculate Fees but is able to know fees quantity after a trade, and subtract them from the total amount used for new Pong Orders or New Ping Orders From buy/sell Pool

- How the Ping-Pong Algo Works?
This happens every 40 seconds and all the steps are not always completed.
- Check Pending User Operation (request like delete orders or stop process)
- Update last time lookup (this is useful to detect frozen condition)
- Check if there's at least 1 active order or a trade or a buy-sell pool value (if not, market will be in ZOMBIE status)
- Check Run Condition (if there's some option active like Return All To Primary/Secondary Currency)
- Update (With Api Call) Market Orders+MyOrders+MyTrades
- Check Orders To Restore (orders that in previous lookup got errors)
- Check Each Active Order (if a trade is happening, if there are condition to retry a recalculation to place order in better market condition)
- Check Each Trade to create New Pong Order (if Trade From Ping) or to add total trade value into Buy/Sell Pool (if Trade From Pong)
- Check if there are new Ping Orders to create from Buy/Sell Pool (this happens every 5 lookup)

- Is my Estimated Portfolio Value Accurated?
No it is not.
Estimated portfolio value is only the sum of all your Coins, converted to BTC using the LAST ORDER PRICE
This means that if you have 10 Coins X, and this is the Order Book

Price Quantity
0.05   0.02
0.04   0.1
0.03   0.1
0.02   0.1
0.01   0.1
0.005   500

And the last trade is Buy 0.02@0.05, your Estimated Value will be 100 * 0.05 = 0.5 BTC
You Real Portfolio Value is the Distribution of your 100 Coins over the book order

So :

0.05 * 0.02 +
0.04 * 0.1 +
0.03 * 0.1 +
0.02 * 0.1 +
0.01 * 0.1 =

0,001+0,004+0,003+0,002+0,001 = 0.011 Total Value distribute on the value of the first 5 orders.
Quantity distribute is 0.42, it will remain  9.58 to distribute over the last order (500@0.005) = 9.58 * 0.005 = 0,0479

Your ESTIMATED Value is 0.5 BTC
Your REAL Value is 0.011 + 0.0479 = 0.0589 BTC
More information about bitcoin, altcoin & crypto in general? GO TO

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Re: Mining like a Sir: C.A.T. TIPS
« Reply #9 on: 03. July 2014., 23:00:14 »


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