--> Devnullius's Choices: A list of default programs to keep your PC running well!
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FROM: https://twitter.com/ThisWeeksCoin/status/420205251493257216https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=401159.msg4342919#msg4342919So for all interested... Thread is still open, at LEAST 70 spots... Take your chances!devnullius
UPDATE: Today is Orthodox Christmas. Merry Christmas to everyone who's celebrating, including me. I'll be away, since I'll have to visit my family and close friends. Continue with the task, like I'm here. Who knows, maybe I get drunk and come back. Then I'll become Lotto, and send random sums of LOT to everyone who posts after my last message at page 14!I'm increasing the giveaway to 2000 LOT per vote. People from page 11 and further, will get 2000 LOT for their vote.
2500 LottoCoins for your signature! Whoever has http://BitCoinTalk.org account, can participate in this.https://t.co/YKa7FPZfx1
Hi.Just followed you on Twitter and retweeted you. @bungaloower . Also a follower on Facebook.LnFW9AEcdjxVzjdG8UE2UjGxFz8Fzp3F6e
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