Posted by: vishwanath99
« on: 26. May 2011., 10:11:07 »Description: Bot]
Language and IDE programming:
Visual C++ (current version 9.0).
Supported OS: XP/Vista/Seven, as well as 2003/2003R2/2008/2008R2. Included work under Windows x64, but only for 32-x bits processes. Also retained full bot work under active "Terminal Servers" sessions.
Action principle:
Bot is based on intercepting WinAPI, by splicing in ring3 (user mode), by running a copy of its code in each process of the user (without using DLL).
Installation process: the bot is primarily designed to work under Vista/Seven, with enabled UAC, and without the use of local exploits. Therefore the bot is designed to work with minimal privileges ( "Guest"), in this regard the bot is always working within sessions per user (from under which you install the bot.). Bot can be set for each use in the OS, while the bots will not know about eachother. When you run the bot as "LocalSystem" user it will attempt to infect all users in the system.
When you install, bot creates its copy in the user's home directory, this copy is tied to the current user and OS, and cannot be run by another user, or even more OS. The original copy of the same bot (used for installation), will be automatically deleted, regardless of the installation success.
Language and IDE programming:
Visual C++ (current version 9.0).
Supported OS: XP/Vista/Seven, as well as 2003/2003R2/2008/2008R2. Included work under Windows x64, but only for 32-x bits processes. Also retained full bot work under active "Terminal Servers" sessions.
Action principle:
Bot is based on intercepting WinAPI, by splicing in ring3 (user mode), by running a copy of its code in each process of the user (without using DLL).
Installation process: the bot is primarily designed to work under Vista/Seven, with enabled UAC, and without the use of local exploits. Therefore the bot is designed to work with minimal privileges ( "Guest"), in this regard the bot is always working within sessions per user (from under which you install the bot.). Bot can be set for each use in the OS, while the bots will not know about eachother. When you run the bot as "LocalSystem" user it will attempt to infect all users in the system.
When you install, bot creates its copy in the user's home directory, this copy is tied to the current user and OS, and cannot be run by another user, or even more OS. The original copy of the same bot (used for installation), will be automatically deleted, regardless of the installation success.