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Topic Summary

Posted by: sikanderamarinder
« on: 07. June 2011., 10:51:56 »

It will be realy cool , if facebook introduces video chat . We will be able to talk to new people after knowing their profile . Normal chatting in chat room is so dry . You dont even know how the other person looks like .
Posted by: shellyhowell
« on: 30. April 2011., 08:03:27 »

I am very happy to hear that news. Thank you very much for writing such an interesting post. I really got much joy reading it. I find it really interesting and will be following the updates. Good luck..
Posted by: Samker
« on: 27. August 2010., 20:05:25 »

SCF & Neowin recently reported that Facebook is gearing up to drop support for Internet Explorer 6. While it was originally thought that this was to help remove IE6 from the Internet ecosystem, it appears that there are other motives as well.

Neowin has received information, with credit going to for the translation, that Facebook is planning to introduce voice and video chat around the same time that they kill support for IE6.

The insider report suggests that there are more features on the way. These features appear to be the biggest reason that Facebook decided to officially drop support for IE6. Also, it appears that only chat support will be dropped for IE6 as the rest of the site will still be supported. Google decided not to support voice/video for IE6.

Allowing for voice and video chat seems to be the logical next step as that’s the next progression for the popular social networking service. While not mentioned, it could also be possible that a phone service, something similar to Skype, could be implemented in the service too.

Facebook has neither confirmed nor denied this information.


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