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Topic Summary

Posted by: Samker
« on: 13. February 2013., 20:13:02 »


I suggest evaluating the idea for 1 month, counting how many android-related posts/topics we have in that month. If its a considerable number, that will make the Android-specific board a need.. In the other hand, if there's not much movement, then we can keep android news in Mobile Security.

This is a good idea... :thumbsup:

We'll wait until the end of the February and make decision during March's first Week - All together (all Moderators and Me).

Posted by: devnullius
« on: 12. February 2013., 19:52:34 »

Looking over SC topics...

Currently, where should Unix, Linux, Mac OS X or iOS users should go for;
- AV?
- General things?

So we could indeed make a separate board Androïd, not put it with Unix/Linux.

To let all depend on the amount of posts in the 1st month... That sound like a challenge - maybe too much of a challenge? ;)

We'll see...

Posted by: jheysen
« on: 12. February 2013., 19:31:07 »

I get Samker's point.. this is a Security-related forum, therefore, we won't be discussing anything about specific platforms aside from security products, alerts, etc. So, all mobile platforms can live in the same board...
I suggest evaluating the idea for 1 month, counting how many android-related posts/topics we have in that month. If its a considerable number, that will make the Android-specific board a need.. In the other hand, if there's not much movement, then we can keep android news in Mobile Security :p
Posted by: devnullius
« on: 12. February 2013., 19:26:33 »

Kill Mobile phone Security? Mobile AV topics could go either way... Either general AV or specific Andoïd.
I dunno :s You are THE admin ;) Don't think I've actually found those boards before...

:> D

Posted by: Samker
« on: 12. February 2013., 17:33:20 »

Ok, let's say that We create Android board... what to do with "Mobile Phone Security" board which is under "Anti-Virus (Security Suite)" board ??  ::)

Mobile Phone Security -,28.0.html

Anti-Virus (Security Suite) -,10.0.html
Posted by: devnullius
« on: 12. February 2013., 10:38:53 »

Yep, Androïd must be added. And it should go with Unix / Linux board. Makes perfect sense and even breathes some live into this board. Even the order would be chronological with Unix / Linux / Androïd ;p

So don't think, act!

And no, politics is not my thing. I do observe and comment harshly though ;))


Posted by: jheysen
« on: 11. February 2013., 19:07:15 »

Maybe we'll have to consider the issue more regarding how many news we have platform-related.
As I see, an android section would be necesary :p
Posted by: Samker
« on: 11. February 2013., 18:43:59 »

Only three votes... you're not so good in lobbying ?! ;D
Posted by: devnullius
« on: 11. February 2013., 16:22:10 »

After some basic math... Not even all the Unix moderators have answered the poll :s

It makes logical sence... Add Androïd to Unix / Linux :P

Grmbl but Karma...

Posted by: Samker
« on: 01. February 2013., 19:47:26 »


 :-* D

Why don't you create real poll like me. :P

By the way, if We get 10 positive votes for them, it'll be created. ;)

Good Luck,

Posted by: devnullius
« on: 01. February 2013., 10:05:03 »


 :-* D

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