Im not shour what your question is but.
In a Window based envirament with active directory (AD) you use the group policy object (GPO) to setup thise kind of restriction if you want to do it to all computers or a gruop of computer's.
All computers that loged in in the AD are implementing the GPO for that group of computer ther is member of. You can also set up the same kind of restriction per user base in the AD so you can also do it that way if it is more convinient.
Her is som useful thread for GPO and IE (ther is more and less same rocidure for IE7, IE8 and IE9 the only is that you need to import the object in the AD for those you dont have in the new features):
Group Policy and Internet Explorer 8 Policy Settings Reference for Windows Internet Explorer 8 the GP on IE settings to Setup Group Policy to Restrict Internet Access hope this is helping you.