I feel like I know this program from somewhere, but for now... It's new to me.
POST-EDIT: ofcourse! combofix ;p
http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/adwcleaner/It all started when I pressed "ignore" once too many times when avast complained
Most I could clean manually, but remaining was conduit... Sigh. Again! Grmbl.
I decided to tackle this program as if it was a new problem to me. I often learn new tools this way.
And today I did! ADW Cleaner.
http://www.techsupportall.com/how-to-remove-conduit-search/I got
http://www.techsupportall.com/download/tools/adwcleaner.exe .
Program had very intelligent and accurate results! I immediately added it to my default toolbox - exactly what I've been looking for: finally something to easily clean all crapware, toolbars, scheduled tasks and auto-start entries created by "helper" programs full of advertisements, search engine redirects and worst of them all: toolbars
http://www.tomsguide.com/us/download/Kaspersky-Rescue-Disk,0301-32450.html mentions it too - as a "related software".
So while I usually only use combofix, I find this a perfect alternative for most problems I try to solve with combofix - except for cleaning virii. And combofix is a rather harsh approach. Which is fine for most home users.