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Posted by: devnullius
« on: 19. April 2016., 07:29:06 »

Well, usually those lifetime licenses are hugely discounted, so chances are you didn't lose too much money. And to be fair, if it's a new company (not a start-through) they have to get money from somewhere. Old customers are first point of contact :) I had the same with Ad-Muncher, suddenly they made their product 100% free. So on the end of the day... We should be lucky these 2 great tools are making a comeback. Just as their torrents...  :angel:


Posted by: Samker
« on: 18. April 2016., 22:00:19 »

Hi C. and Welcome to SCF Community.

Your theory sounds very interesting... but I doubt that they will succeed to cheat users two times on this way. :police:


By the way, with using search function on SCforum I found that competition from DVDfab (our respected sponsor/partner,11179.0.html ) tries to "exploit this chance" on its way:,11423.0.html

Posted by: Ch3vr0n
« on: 12. April 2016., 09:32:07 »

Guys, look what I accidentally found from myce club. It seems a lifetime license holder of the previous Slysoft AnyDVD is pissed off by the RedFox's planning to make him pay again! He also mentioned some disgraceful things that Slysoft did in the past to lure people buying the lifetime licenses. Don't know it what he is saying is true, but thought maybe you guys are interested. So I posted it here. Seriously, Slysoft, did you really do that???

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