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Posted by: davis allen
« on: 02. February 2019., 07:26:19 »

Want to backup Gmail contacts on your computer manually?
Gmail free web-based email services allow people to communicate regularly. Also, it allows you to save complete individual information and bookmark it for further usage. In order to avoid many different circumstances and information loss, it is a wise decision to create the backup of your email account on the daily basis. The best thing is that you can synchronize your contacts with Mobile devices or PC programs with the Google Sync app.

Now the question arises, why is it important to take backup of Gmail contacts? Actually, with a backup copy of Gmail contact information, you can access them anytime and anywhere. In addition, you will have complete control over the valuable contacts. In order to avoid unexpected circumstances of Gmail account permanent deletion, it is always suggested to create Gmail contacts backup on your computer manually. Following is the procedure to take backup of Gmail account with ease:
Step 1: Login to your Gmail account and go to the ‘Contacts’ section.
Step 2: Click on the ‘More’ button.
Step 3: Select the ‘Export’ option from the drop-down list.
Step 4: Choose all contacts followed by the Export format.
Step 5: Click on the Export button to backup contacts saved in your Gmail account.
Step 6: Finally, provide a specific location and hit the ‘Save’ button.
Step 7: Gmail backup process has been finished.
Above steps will lead you to create Gmail contacts backup without any hindrance. In case of error occurs if you feel helpless, do not delay to contact us at  Customer Service Number where you will gain quick assistance from experts and professionals. Worry not for any technical problems related to Gmail, just call us at our toll-free helpline number and get rid of all sudden obstacles with instant query resolutions.

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