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Posted by: RuskinF
« on: 20. June 2020., 15:04:53 »

To get wallpapers from the Bing homepage each day, you’ll need to download the official Bing Wallpaper application from Microsoft’s website.

Run the downloaded application to install it, and be sure to uncheck “Set Bing as my homepage” and “Set Bing as my default search provider” if you don’t want to set Bing as your new homepage and default search engine in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.

The Bing Wallpaper installer on Windows 10.

The Bing Wallpaper application will install itself and automatically fetch and set a new desktop wallpaper for you. You’ll see whatever image appears on the Bing homepage today.

Installing  Bing Wallpaper on Windows 10

The application will launch when you start your PC and automatically download and set a new desktop wallpaper image every day.

To change your wallpaper, find the Bing icon in your notification area (system tray), click it, and use the “Change wallpaper” options. You can quickly cycle through a few available wallpapers.

You can also click this icon to see an explanation of what the photo is—for example, it will tell you what type of animal it is or where a landscape was photographed.
Posted by: devnullius
« on: 10. March 2020., 18:19:05 »

Full details:

A. Install Dynamic Theme
B. Create a folder C:\Users\USER\Pictures\Microsoft (adjust USER to your Windows Username folder...)
C. Go to Windows Settings - Personalize - Background. Set is to Slideshow and choose the folder from B. above. Change it every 30 minutes.
D. Go to Windows Settings - Personalize - Lock Screen. Set it to Windows Spotlight.
E. Start Dynamic Theme. Set background and lock-screen options to System. Set Daily Bing Image options to save all images to the folder in B.  above. Same for Windows Spotlight Images.
F. Get this .VBS script. Save it somewhere safe and use Windows Task Scheduler to run on a schedule that makes sense for you (I've set it to 13 days). This way, the Dynamic Theme app won't  slowly suffocate your hard disk with thousands of gigabytes of images :)
G. This will take a while before you have many images. If you like, you can already copy some images to the Pictures\Microsoft folder mentioned in B. above (if you don't have any backgrounds, you can torrent a few starter packs... Use Bit Che and search for: nature wallpapers). Also see my reply for my Microsoft Backgrounds Project.

Notice: starting with Windows 10, all images should be in 1 single folder for Slideshow to work. You can use John's Background Switcher if you want to recurse into subfolders.

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