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Topic Summary

Posted by: tarekm
« on: 03. July 2020., 22:13:01 »

With the presence of 200,000+ new malware and viruses created daily, traditional blacklist antivirus apps alone became no longer effective and updated. VoodooShield locks your computer and blocks all new, non-whitelisted executable code (including viruses and malware), while your computer is running a web app (browser, email, etc.). Traditional antivirus is great, but your computer should be locked when it is at risk.

VoodooShield will protect your computer from getting viruses and malware but if your computer has a virus, VoodooShield will not remove it. If VoodooShield blocks something that you would like to run, then allow it after it is automatically scanned. Otherwise, if VoodooShield blocks something out of the blue, then just ignore it and assume it was a virus or malware.



System requirements:

Compatible with Windows Vista, 7, 8, & 10 (32 and 64 bit)

Current version: 5.77

Size: 30.46 Mb

Download VS 5.77:

We have 20 licenses each is valid for 2-year and 2 lifetime licenses

Giveaway end: July 15, 2020

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