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Posted by: edwards142
« on: 19. January 2021., 07:34:42 »

You can recover your lost/corrupted Excel file data with some manual fixes. To grab knowledge about the manual fixes which you can try to recover corrupted Excel file.

Here are the fixes which you can try:

1: Use Open and Repair Tool
2: Restore corrupted Excel file from TMP file
3: Restore From File Recovery
4: Revert Workbook to last Saved Version
5: Disable Automatic Calculation

There are many more fixes like this….so just go through it and try them.
source: how to recover corrupted Excel file
Posted by: MarkusHakala
« on: 25. March 2016., 11:56:52 »

Thank you all for your advice! The issue has been resolved.
Posted by: justesen
« on: 22. March 2016., 15:25:19 »

2. If method 1 fails, there are still several methods to recover your Excel file manually with Excel, including writing a small VBA macro, as below
3.For xlsx files, they are actually a group of files compressed in Zip file format. Therefore, sometimes, if the corruption is only caused by the Zip file, then you can use Zip repair tools to repair the file, as follows:
4.1 Assuming the corrupt Excel file is a.xlsx, then you need to rename it to
4.2 Start WinRAR, go to "Tools > Repair Archive" to repair and generated a fixed file
4.3 Rename back to a_fixed.xlsx
4.4 Using Excel to open a_fixed.xlsx.
5. If all above methods do not work, then you may try third-party tools such as Excel Recovery Toolbox at
   It provides a free download version so that you can try to see if the data you want can be recovered or not. Good luck!
Posted by: justesen
« on: 22. March 2016., 15:18:00 »

When an Excel file is corrupted, then you can try several methods to recover it:
1. First of all, you can try to repair the file manually in Excel, as follows:
(1) On the File menu, click Open.
(2) In the Open dialog box, select the file you want to open, and click the arrow next to the Open button.
(3) Click Open and Repair, and then choose which method you want to use to recover your workbook.
You may find more information about this at: (for Excel 2007) (for Excel 2010) (for Excel 2013)
Posted by: devnullius
« on: 14. March 2016., 07:00:57 »

Sounds like you are out of luck... Especially after the disk check & repair tools, you should be able to access everything you see. If not, they are damaged. If the repair tools for office can't handle them, it looks like it's over :(

When it comes to corrupt Mac file systems, to my surprise there are a few tools that should help ( - untested). Normally, on Unix filesystems, when you remove a file, it's gone. At least, I've always been told ;p

Sorry for the bad news, if you do manage to crack it, do let us know how :)

Posted by: Samker
« on: 13. March 2016., 20:32:43 »

Hi Markus,

For brief help, We need to know, which Excel version you use ??

Also, kindly checks:

... one older SCforum's topic with "similar" problem:,10143.0.html

... and instructions from official pages:

cya later,

Posted by: MarkusHakala
« on: 13. March 2016., 17:13:57 »

I have several old excel files that got corrupted when a server had a power surge. They were being used on a Mac 10.6 client and I have tried to fix with disk utility, many excel file repair packages on mac and pc and online, tried also opening in alternate software like open office and JMP to no avail. Is there any hope for this data?

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