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Posted by: KristFry
« on: 30. March 2009., 19:04:55 »

Hey   people !  I'm new here   and  I lack to learn more !
Posted by: georgecloner
« on: 30. March 2009., 13:08:31 »

So what is DO they really offer cheap unlock solutions? Can they really jailbreak iPod Touches and iPhone 3G’s? Yes they can!! is a great site that sells cheap, quality jailbreak and unlock services as well as high quality accessories for a low price! They offer great services that you can count on! Also, it can become your one stop iPod and iPhone stop!! At, you can unlock the full potential of your iPod Touch or iPhone! There are thousands of perks to getting your device jailbroken!! To start with the iPhone, it will unlock it, making it usable with any GSM service provider!! This way you can make the iPhone or iPhone 3G usable with someone other than At&T. Also, once jailbroken, you can get lots of apps that are usually very expensive on the app store for free!! FOR FREE!! They can be downloaded and installed directly from your device! Once jailbroken, it is also possible to use your iPhone as a modem, giving your laptop internet wherever you go! ANYWHERE!! You can personalize your device now!! You can choose from hundreds upon hundreds of theses…from keyboards, to dialers, to full themes, the iPod or iPhone can now be truly yours!! It can be customized to you!! Listed below are the top reasons to jailbreak!

1. Install third party applications with Cydia and Installer!
These applications are amazing pro apps, created by big name designers and other users!! Many of the applications are App Store quality, they just didn’t meet Apple terms and conditions.

2. Enable Video Recording (iPhone only)
The iPhone is advanced in almost all areas of mobile phones, except one - video recording! With applications like Cycorder, we can make your iPhone everything you want!

3. Change the look and feel of your iPod Touch or iPhone, to something that represents you!
Once jailbroken, it’s easy to make your device custom to you! There are thousands of custom options to make your iPod, well your iPod!

4. Use your iPhone as a Modem!
You got unlimited data when you signed your contract right? Why not use it, after we jailbreak, we can install a software that lets you use your internet from your iPhone on any laptop or PC. Now you can have internet wherever you go!

5. Make and add your own ringtones…for free!
Finally there is a way to free yourself from paying iTunes an extra $1 for ringtones! WIth our jailbreak service, you can download from a library of thousands of reingtones, and can ever create your own!

6. Access to hundreds of extra preferences!
Everyone wants more control. With BossPrefs, a jailbreak package, we give you that control! Easily hide icons, change wifi and audio options, and tons more!

7. MMS with SwirlyMMS!
One of the biggest thing that wasn’t packaged with iPhone and iPhone 3G was MMS messaging. When we jailbreak your iPhone, you will be able to MMS anyone on any network, not through the cheap email way!

8. VOIP calling and text messaging!!
Mainly for iPod Touch users, after jailbreak you will to be able to call and text message over wifi! This is great, making it practically an iPhone!

9. Personalize you lock screen with IntelliScreen!!
With IntelliScreen installed after you are jailbroken, you can get weather, news, sports, mail, SMS, call and MMS updates!! This too make your device unique!

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