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Posted by: wonderdinge
« on: 25. January 2025., 23:29:33 »

Posted by: devnullius
« on: 18. March 2023., 18:56:53 »

If an admin could clean up all the comment spam... That would be great  O0
Posted by: devnullius
« on: 18. March 2023., 18:52:22 »

Special shout-out to

I had a stubborn program remnant (after a system restore, windows 11). Setup woudln't continue until I uninstalled it. No files on disk. Nothing in system32 or hosts. Nothing in the registry (UFS Explorer Recovery Pro 8.2). Ever tried searching the registry on UFS? Sigh.

Registry cleaning with Wise Registry Cleaner? Nothing. iobit uninstaller? Nothing. Martau below? Nothing.

But RevoUninstaller's log based removal tool actually removed whatever the frack was bugging the setup. When on Windows 11, do keep an eye on folder protected actions and give access where requested (Defender).
Posted by: devnullius
« on: 18. March 2023., 18:17:58 »

Time to replace iobit with this new tip I got:

Advantage? No nagging popups - the amount of licenses my friends bought because they thought that was what I wanted... ;-( Sigh! :)
Posted by: devnullius
« on: 04. August 2022., 08:27:44 »

Posted by: Trast
« on: 30. June 2022., 22:25:33 »

Quote from: margosha on 20. February 2014., 03:35:10

You it is serious?
Posted by: abrahamlinc1
« on: 11. August 2021., 04:08:24 »

What this thing all about
Posted by: devnullius
« on: 04. July 2021., 12:11:43 »

Added the following command: fsutil usn deletejournal /n c:

And a quick shout-out to the Puran Defrag guys  :-*
Posted by: devnullius
« on: 25. June 2021., 08:10:38 »

This probably could use a refresh too... So tell me... what are YOUR favorite high-performing file copiers?

1. for local files (disk to disk or usb)
2. for network locations

5. Copying Files and Folders
Copying files and folders still is a complicated thing on Windows, especially when the source has damaged sectors. Even when the disk is fine, you need extra tools if you prepare to copy a lot of files (and bypass antivirus checks on each and every file...!).
Raymond has a great list to chose from. You will want speed both locally and over the network, but you'll also want file verification and support for bad sectors (= unreadable parts on the hard disk, usually only for non-SSD magnetic disks) too.
These are my choices:
* TeraCopy:
* RoadKill's Unstoppable Copier:
* FastCopy:
* RichCopy: (hoffmanutilityspotlight2009_04.exe)
And of course, I should also mention RoboCopy and its clones... Should... ;p

Refreshed the article to:
5. Copying Files and Folders
Copying files and folders still is a complicated thing on Windows, especially when the source has damaged sectors. Even when the disk is fine, you need extra tools if you prepare to copy a lot of files (and bypass antivirus checks on each and every file...!).
Raymond has a great list to chose from. And you can find a more recent overview here. You will want speed both locally and over the network, but you'll also want file verification and support for bad sectors (= unreadable parts on the hard disk, usually only for non-SSD magnetic disks) too. That said, for local files I stick to FastCopy these days... Still have to pick a network copier.
Posted by: devnullius
« on: 24. June 2021., 21:11:19 »

It has been a while and I'm sure this part of my article needs an urgent update... So if anyone knows, shoot! :)

4. Unlock locked files. Unlocker 1.9.2 *used* to be the best program to unlock files. Sadly, they aren't doing a good job since Windows 8.x/10. So without a lot of testing, here are some tools that should do a proper job on Windows 10...
- MalwareBytes FilesASSASSIN
- IOBit Unlocker (be aware of crapware extras!)
- LockHunter


Note to future self:
Posted by: devnullius
« on: 24. June 2021., 21:08:01 »


9. Audio CD Grabbers
An unverified list of 4 audio rippers that support FLAC, MP3 and artwork + tags. Most will support volume normalization too.
Posted by: devnullius
« on: 23. June 2021., 23:30:40 »

Added jackett configuration instructions (

jackett allows you to search for torrents through about 70 public trackers. Enjoy  :-*
Posted by: devnullius
« on: 21. June 2021., 11:50:38 »

This probably could use a refresh too... So tell me... what are YOUR favorite high-performing file copiers?

1. for local files (disk to disk or usb)
2. for network locations

5. Copying Files and Folders
Copying files and folders still is a complicated thing on Windows, especially when the source has damaged sectors. Even when the disk is fine, you need extra tools if you prepare to copy a lot of files (and bypass antivirus checks on each and every file...!).
Raymond has a great list to chose from. You will want speed both locally and over the network, but you'll also want file verification and support for bad sectors (= unreadable parts on the hard disk, usually only for non-SSD magnetic disks) too.
These are my choices:
* TeraCopy:
* RoadKill's Unstoppable Copier:
* FastCopy:
* RichCopy: (hoffmanutilityspotlight2009_04.exe)
And of course, I should also mention RoboCopy and its clones... Should... ;p
Posted by: devnullius
« on: 21. June 2021., 11:44:59 »

It has been a while and I'm sure this part of my article needs an urgent update... So if anyone knows, shoot! :)

4. Unlock locked files. Unlocker 1.9.2 *used* to be the best program to unlock files. Sadly, they aren't doing a good job since Windows 8.x/10. So without a lot of testing, here are some tools that should do a proper job on Windows 10...
- MalwareBytes FilesASSASSIN
- IOBit Unlocker (be aware of crapware extras!)
- LockHunter

Posted by: devnullius
« on: 21. June 2021., 10:52:27 »

Added Bing Wallpaper

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