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Author Topic: Fake AVG Antivirus 2011 Virus Removal  (Read 7472 times)

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Fake AVG Antivirus 2011 Virus Removal
« on: 14. February 2011., 10:19:02 »
Fake AVG Antivirus 2011 is a rogue antivirus program that cleverly poses as the AVG free antivirus and has been fooling many people of late. This application is a creation of malicious hackers that want to cheat you into purchasing false upgrades, or worse, get your precious credit card number from you. This program can cause lots of issues and can render your computer useless until you have removed it completely. Aside from the numerous pop-ups that indicate your PC is infected with severe threats, it can also block important Windows features such as Task Manager, internet access and genuine antivirus programs, while slowing down your system. Luckily, the fake AVG Antivirus 2011 can be easily taken out of your system with the help of the removal guide explained below.

What Is This Virus?

The Fake AVG Antivirus 2011 is actually a virus infection, more popularly known as a "malware" (malicious software) infection, which probably entered your system with the help of Trojans that bypass your security protection. Once this virus installs itself, it will start to work the next time you login to Windows, and set about displaying a huge number of error notifications. The virus will also cause your computer to perform much slower than normal and will give you a hard time in using certain applications. All of these actions are part of the hackers plan to convince you that you are in need of assistance via the 'professional upgrades' that the fake AVG will offer you (at a price). This type of infection can be obtained from malicious websites or rogue downloads. You should not trust this program, nor the solution it will offer you, as it cannot do anything to make your system perform better. The real problem is the program itself and so its warnings must be ignored. Instead, to fix your PC, you must remove the program effectively.

How To Remove This Virus From Your PC

The way to remove the Fake AVG Antivirus 2011 is described in a 2-step process. The first step requires that you neutralize the virus from operating in order for you to proceed to the next one, which is removing it from your system. The first step can be quite difficult to accomplish as the virus will not permit the Fake AVG Antivirus 2011 interface to be closed using its exit command and you can't call on Task Manager to terminate the program. You either have to use a program terminator such as "rkill" or enter Windows using "Safe Mode" to fix the problem. When the virus has been stopped can you only remove it by locating all the traces of the virus and then delete them from your system. Understandably, many have found this 2-step process to be quite challenging, especially to those who are not comfortable using Windows inner workings.

The best way to get rid of sneaky viruses like the Fake AVG Antivirus 2011 is by using specialized "anti-malware" programs that have been designed by credible software security firms. There are many such programs that can effectively detect and remove malicious software in your system. Our examinations have revealed that a program called "Frontline Rogue Remover" is the most popular application being used in the computer industry today, as it is highly regarded for being able to remove such malware quickly and efficiently while being very easy to operate.

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Fake AVG Antivirus 2011 Virus Removal
« on: 14. February 2011., 10:19:02 »


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Remove Fake AVG Antivirus 2011 Virus Removal
« Reply #1 on: 14. February 2011., 14:18:59 »

Additional suggestions for removing this kind of things:



Free Virus Removal tools:,4510.0.html

Samker's Computer Forum -

Remove Fake AVG Antivirus 2011 Virus Removal
« Reply #1 on: 14. February 2011., 14:18:59 »


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