Nice try!
This is a good way to learn your hardware and what you want to have in the future and ware you can get most of your system if you want to upgrade it. Systems nowerday like those with Intel Ivy bridge CPU dos not give so match to put the mony in the CPU. The most performance if you want to have a good gaming pc is to put some extra in the graphic card.
Ther is better to chose a 3570K then a 3770K and put the difference in mony in a better graphic card instend. This is as I say for a gaming PC. Offcase if you optimising for otherthing ther is other condision to look at.
A good chois is to look at the "K" CPU because thay are unlocked for overcklocking. The other CPU is werry limited what you casn do with in overclocking view.
If you are unfamily about overclocking and want to build a new PC form the bottom to meet you own specification ther is a good chois to look for motherboard that have in "BIOS"/UEFI overclocking automation functions. ASUS is one of the manufactors that have it in ther mid and top range boards.
One I have used and like now is ASUS P8Z77-V LE Plus.
In this board you set up the computer HW and install the OS. Then you install the AI software pakage and just run the overclocking feature. After a few reboot it have overclock the computer in a base level that is pritty good as a first step. Then you have a level to begin to optemize it mer if you are experence.
When you overclock a computer you NEED to have better cooling for the CPU then you get form the Intel orginal heetsink. Ther is multiple chios in aftermarket som better and some bad. This is a whol world to learn about to get out more from a computer when you overcklock. How match you can overclock a syastem is more and less about how match heet you can gett off from the CPU.
Her is a video about how to overclock a ASUS Z77 mother bourd with a IVY bridg CPU. Just to get a view wat is possible with the motherbourd today. ther is other way to overcklock and other methode depending of motherbord and CPU manufactors. To overclock a AMD CPU is more and less the same but you need to know the CPU's limitation to take the right step and get the most of that CPU.