Removing Java 6 must be done, but it's HARD.
FROM: my reply for instructions, now a general story from our friends @avast
avast! 8.x: Software Updater continues to report Java software as outdated
The Software Updater in avast! 8.x can start to report that Java 6 software is outdated and that your computer is at high-risk against vulnerabilities. If you try to perform the update, instead of the latest version you'll see this page: (Where can I get the latest version of Java 6?)
This issue is caused by obsolete Java 6 software.
Because Oracle ended with support for Java 6 in February 2013, they recommend installing Java 7 instead.
For details please visit the following page on Oracle's website: (Where can I get the latest version of Java 6?)
Unfortunately Java 7 installer does not uninstall Java 6, which persists installed afterwards and it might be out of date and vulnerable.
Without uninstalling Java 6 or updating it to the last supported version Java SE Runtime Environment 6u45 ( the Software Updater in avast! 8.x will continue reporting the product as outdated.
We could remove Java 6 from the list of supported products but this would leave our users vulnerable without any notice. Also we do not want to uninstall Java 6 via Software Updater as this might lead to unpredictable results, because some programs may depend on Java 6.
In the beginning we linked our users to the latest available Java 6 update kit mentioned above. However, Oracle started to prevent users from downloading this kit and protects it with a password. This means users systems stays at risk against vulnerabilities.
Preferred Solution - Highly Recommended
If you want to stay protected against vulnerabilities, we recommend to uninstall obsolete Java 6 and upgrade to Java 7.
This it's also recommended by Oracle.
However, you need to pay attention as possible bad side effects like corrupt programs may appear.
For detailed instructions on how to uninstall older version of Java software please read the following article on Oracle's website: should I uninstall older versions of Java from my system?).
(end copy paste)
BUT... BEWARE! If you try to follow the trolls at Oracle, you will keep cycling from page to page without any success (except for updating Java 7 to most current version). Removing Java 6 is a pain... See reply!
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