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Author Topic: [ANN][BTA][BATA] PoW Scrypt | 5 Mil | May 2015 | 1st there was Barter...BATA  (Read 3438 times)

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First there was Barter Bata.

Update: 30th April 2015

Coin Type: POW
Hashing Algorithm: SCRYPT
Difficulty Retargeting: Dark Gravity Wave
Time Between Blocks  30
Block Reward: 50
Block Reward Halving Rate: 50000
Premine: No
Total Coins: 5,000,000

Twitter: @BataCurrency

BATA is a simple, flexible barter currency.

Why barter?

People in business love to barter because it saves them cash; moves excess items or idle inventory and reduces downtime or spare capacity.  Chances are you have conducted a barter deal in the past and the outcome was win-win.

Direct barter deals can be effective, but they lack flexibility, which limits how often they may occur.  The challenge with a direct peer-to-peer barter is you might want something that one person or business has, but they may not want what you have. BATA a currency of trade dollars you can barter / trade conveniently across multiple platforms right across the globe.

How does it work?

BATA is flexible, secure and fully accountable way for individuals to barter their goods and services all around the world. 
BATA adds another dimension to the way you spend money by giving you the freedom of peer-to-peer transactions.

More information to come. Keep tuned.

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