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  • (01. January 2010., 10:27:49)

Author Topic: #BIZCOIN #IPO Analysis: True #Business Opportunity? Or a Run-for-#scam? Find out  (Read 15251 times)

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Bizcoin was canceled, IPO funds returned, a new project started by Chris...

I never was involved with that project, but it was a huge financial success.

Today, I got this PM on

I wrote an IPO analysis here:

Hope it's useful for some :)


Hi ; thx for your analyze.
they just scam us for 1millions NXT maybe 60 BTC.
I've lost 3000€ xD
my friends too.

I sent him an email (
"Can't believe it (nor can I find proof of it, but I did get a very sad PM you did with this project  )

I'm looking at the thread, but it's too complex :/ I never was involved in your new projects (never heard of you, never thought of it because I was busy).  definitely is a bad sign... I really hope you did not run... You will be in a lot of trouble if you did... :( People know you, people live near you... Please respond asap? Check the thread... Interact!

Hope to hear you soon, but I'm afraid of the result..."

Sorry :(
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I got a new update on Bitcointalk PM... Below my answer and that original new message I received...

Your spirit is wonderful; I'll be sick in your place. I just don't understand that somebody, in Europe, would take such huge legal risks... Let alone ppl "paying him a visit".

Not much I could do, what I did I wrote down here:,9275.msg26404.html#msg26404

I'll update with your new reply. Again, very very strange. I don't see the problem with a new asset, but selling below price and remaining silent... No good. :(

Again, sorry. New level of scam: gain trust with refund; get bigger IPO and run?



ahah wonderfull IPO analysis btw;

I dont know how to resume but if you want to understand you need to read our nxt thread :

Chris the scammer have issued assets in partnership with SUPERNET ,
but James, from SUPERNET was thinking Chris was serious (because of his past and some refund IPO with you)
He has sold 600k EVOLVE  quickly
Then he has issued another asset for 200k

All these assets was for revenue sharing from the same 3 website + other site in preparation  + revenu from SUPERNETr
The price was 0.6 and up to 3...
After that, without asking james, and in the same thread, he has issued another asset for his coinbooking website.
This was a fiasco because nobody has understand what is the plan.
So the price drop from 3 to 1.
have that,  we have no news of Christian;
then he has begun to sold his asset instead of destroying them :
he sold at very low price : 0.3 ...

we never heard about him from many day.
i've lost 90K (8btc or more)
other people have lost 100k too , and a lot of people have lost less.
But we are all BLUE xD

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I'm (EDIT) from the and got also scammed by Christian. I believe very strongly that it is a scam.
Do you have other information about Christian Sommer expect his address? It looks like that his address is wrong. Today i was there (LENGERCKESTRASSE 47, Hamburg, Germany).

I don't want to lose any time because people forget quickly.
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