FROM: your GryfenCoins and multiply your balance by speculating on altcoins
For now our Market has one option: you choose a coin and a timeframe in the future and you speculate with someGryfencoins that after that timeframe
the market price of the selected coin will be as close as possible to your speculated price.
If your speculated price is too distant from the market price, you don't get any coins. The closer you speculate to the real ending market price the higher weâll pay out on the your option.
The chart below will help you better understand the rules. If your speculated coin price is in the covered window/range your option pays off.
The multiplier for your wages change according to the length of the timeframe you select When the option expires, you'll be charged a fee of minimum 0.5 GRYF and max 0.9% of the payout