Anti-virus, Anti-malware, Antis-pyware, Firewalls? Are we secured enough? With these tools we are Protected!
In a way, YES. But we still get infected, our system is still vulnerable!
Its obvious we do get rid of viruses or malware with the use of these softwares (only if it gets updated). Those only to the last updated virus defined with regards. Still a 100% chance we still get infected with newly undefined virus.
Viruses, Malware, Spyware - we get these things everytime we get connected in the internet. As a remedy, we seek for patches, updates and others. We even install new malware and/or new anti-virus software and firewall.
Pro-active is different. In this case, we get to act in advance anticipating problems rather than reacting to the situation after occurrence of a problem.
What's the point?
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"Are you Protective or Pro-active?"