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Author Topic: Windows 8 in 2012.  (Read 7014 times)

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    • - Samker's Computer Forum
Windows 8 in 2012.
« on: 25. October 2010., 18:24:28 »

Just over a year ago, Microsoft released an operating system which we now know to be the fastest selling operating system in history. Neowin reported on Friday that Windows 7 had reached its one year birthday in which time it sold 240 million licenses of the OS.

Today, a Dutch representative for Microsoft posted on the company’s blog that Microsoft is currently working on the next version of Windows and that it will be released to the market in two years:
When questioned about the statement, a Microsoft representative refused to comment.

Winrumors reported and translated the announcement: , which said, “Furthermore, Microsoft is on course for the next version of Windows. But it will take about two years before “Windows 8 [is] on the market.” In an interview, CEO Steve Ballmer said that he believes the next version of Windows will be Microsoft’s “riskiest product bet," most definitely a true statement with the huge success of Windows 7.

With the release of the problematic Windows Vista in 2007, Microsoft needed to bring something to the table that would rekindle their reputation. It’s definitely fair to say that Windows 7 did that, but can they bring out something even better?

If the announcement is indeed true, it would mean there will be a three year gap between Windows 7 and Windows 8. With businesses flocking to Windows 7 so quickly, is Microsoft making the time gap far too short?


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Windows 8 in 2012.
« on: 25. October 2010., 18:24:28 »


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Re: Windows 8 in 2012.
« Reply #1 on: 26. October 2010., 06:43:28 »
Windows 8 = (beta Windows 7 + alpha Windows Vista + Windows 2000)/MS-DOS*Windows 7 sp-5  >:D

Mimimum requirements

1. Intel Processor only + 3Ghz and more
2. 300Gb HDD
3. TFT monitor
4. 4 Gb RAM
5. lots of patience to overcome BSODs while installing
6. supports only Office-2010 :P

**Upgrade from Windows-7 and Vista not supported. However supports upgrade from Windows 3.1  :o


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Re: Windows 8 in 2012.
« Reply #2 on: 26. October 2010., 07:20:02 »

 :D :thumbsup:


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Re: Windows 8 in 2012.
« Reply #3 on: 28. October 2010., 04:06:08 »
i think microsoft simply can't stop the windows exploitation..
so they come up with releasing a new version..
then exploitation..
then a new version..
then exploitation..
and then a new version..

well, the numbers are not only 7.. then 8? so the next is 9.. and then 10..
in good terms, i can also think this as a marketing strategy.. simply because people tend to use the "latest" rather than the stable.

just my opinion thou.. ;)


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Re: Windows 8 in 2012.
« Reply #4 on: 28. October 2010., 06:19:30 »

well, the numbers are not only 7.. then 8? so the next is 9.. and then 10..
in good terms, i can also think this as a marketing strategy.. simply because people tend to use the "latest" rather than the stable.

just my opinion thou.. ;)

Marketing and Profit strategy, they try to sell every new version to "same" people (XP, Vista, 7, 8...) and earn more. ;)

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Re: Windows 8 in 2012.
« Reply #4 on: 28. October 2010., 06:19:30 »


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Re: Windows 8 in 2012.
« Reply #5 on: 30. April 2011., 07:48:47 »
Windows 8 releasing in 2012 is a possibility. Now i am waiting for the latest version.

Samker's Computer Forum -

Re: Windows 8 in 2012.
« Reply #5 on: 30. April 2011., 07:48:47 »


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