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Author Topic: Spying on someone else cell phone - right or wrong?  (Read 3909 times)

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Spying on someone else cell phone - right or wrong?
« on: 22. September 2011., 03:55:53 »
When we hear the word "spy", maybe almost of us will think: "It's wrong". But in fact, many reasons people use to explain their spying are reasonable. Some of those reasons are "they want to protect their children, while some others want to catch their cheating wife/husband? Are they really reasonable?

Do you think spying someone else is not good? Why or why not?
Please tell me your idea.

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Spying on someone else cell phone - right or wrong?
« on: 22. September 2011., 03:55:53 »


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Re: Spying on someone else cell phone - right or wrong?
« Reply #1 on: 22. September 2011., 06:11:22 »
When we hear the word "spy", maybe almost of us will think: "It's wrong". But in fact, many reasons people use to explain their spying are reasonable. Some of those reasons are "they want to protect their children, while some others want to catch their cheating wife/husband? Are they really reasonable?

Do you think spying someone else is not good? Why or why not?
Please tell me your idea.

Generally, I don't agree with this but in some cases it's justifiably: police, terrorists, children etc.

Here is also one older news related to "tracking wife/husband":



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Re: Spying on someone else cell phone - right or wrong?
« Reply #2 on: 22. September 2011., 09:03:20 »
why spy phone software still exist and become legal and  if spying someone else cell phone is wrong

Samker's Computer Forum -

Re: Spying on someone else cell phone - right or wrong?
« Reply #2 on: 22. September 2011., 09:03:20 »


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