Did you know that a whopping 4 out of 5 people said they would use their mobile device to job hunt, and even apply for jobs using their smartphone? Looking for a job can be hard, but do you think it would be easier to look at job listings on your mobile phone? “Like” this post if you’re a mobile job seeker!
Mobile Jobseeking is Going Mainstream [INFOGRAPHIC]Have you checked your company’s mobile job offerings recently?
While there are many
people already using mobile to find their dream jobs, don’t be misunderstood — using a smartphone to check out job boards isn’t just for early adopters or technophiles. In fact, it’s quickly becoming a mainstream method of finding a lasting career.
According to this infographic by mobile job search and recruiting company
JIBE — based on research done by marketing research company
Kelton Research — more than 4 out of 5 of surveyed smartphone users would use an
iPhone, Android, Blackberry or
Windows phone to search for jobs. Of those, nearly half would actually apply to a job right from a smartphone. Given the number of American who own smartphones has surpassed
100 million mark, the level of jobseekers looking to potentially score a job right on their phones can be staggering.
So what does it all mean? Plain and simple: if your company doesn’t have a mobile-friendly job board, it’s time to begin building one as soon as possible. More and more jobseekers are turning to the convenience, simplicity and speed of mobile to access jobs on the fly. If your mobile application isn’t optimized to suit the needs of potential employees, there’s an opportunity to miss out on quality talent.
Take a look at the infographic below to learn more about how mobile is changing the way people are looking for jobs. Would you use mobile to find your new job, or integrate mobile into your company’s recruiting strategy? Let us know in the comments.
Puch her for Larger picture Orginal article: March 31, 2012 by Lauren Hockenson