- Visocica -
Officially, pyramids built by ancient civilizations do not exist in Europe . Not until today, at least.
It is with great pleasure that I announce to the world that in the heart of Bosnia, about 30 km (18.65 mi.) north from Sarajevo there is a monumental stone pyramid. Under the layers of soil of the Hill Visocica that rises up over the town of Visoko, hides a stepped pyramid whose creators were ancient Europeans, or to be exact pre-Illyrian people.
In April 2005, I paid a visit to the native museum of Visoko with my friends Jova and Bojan. After a warm welcome in the Museum, commissioner and professor, Mr. Senad Hodovic, took us to the top of the nearby Visocica Hill. There we encountered the stonewall remnants of a medieval town called Visoki, which today's town of Visoko was named after. Professor Hodovic loves the history of medieval Bosnia . Overjoyed, he told us about three royal capitals in the area of Visocica. He also mentioned that Visocica is an interesting natural phenomenon because of its pyramidal shape.
That remark caught my attention. Nature rarely shapes hills in symmetrical and regular geometrical form. In spite of Visocica being 700 m high (2296.58 ft.), I did not eliminate the possibility that it was a product of a human activity. On the contrary. The more I found out, the more I felt that this phenomenon needed to be explored.
My first encounter with Visocica, the pyramid shaped hill near Visoko
I focused my observation onto the Pljesevica hill. It is much lower than Visocica, completely covered in forests, and has three sides resembling regular, equally sized blocks. The picture is familiar to me from the visits to several archaeological locations in both North and South America . Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon - Huaca del Sol and Huaca de la Luna.
The two pyramids form a main entrance to the fertile Valley of Visoko . Everyone who came from the North or West to these areas would pass between those two pyramids.
Thinking aloud "...here beneath us is the Pyramid of Moon, and at the moment, we are at the top of the Pyramid of Sun," I interrupted professor Hodovic for a moment. Bojan nodded in agreement. The Professor continued telling us about the events from the time of the establishment of Bosnia . However, I was interested in a much earlier period.
Razmišljam naglas “… ovdje je piramida Mjeseca ispod nas, a mi smo trenutno na vrhu piramide Sunca …”. Bojan afirmativno klima glavom. Na tren sam prekinuo prof. Hodoviæa. On nastavlja sa dogaðajima iz doba nastanka bosanske države. Meðutim, mene interesuje znatno raniji period. Ovaj otprije 700 godina mi je isuviše mlad i blizu…
Pokazuju nam planine koje se vide odavde. “Tamo je planina Perun…”
"Perun," I thought, "was a god of thunder for the ancient Slavic. So, this area must have been an area of frequent thunders and lightening once". Another piece of the puzzle fits into place. Spheres made of stone in Bosnia... energy torrents from the sky... all of these resemble the case of Costa Rica . Indeed, Bosnia used to be the energetic knot of this part of the world.
Walking down the base of Visocica, we have found several types of rocks. I took a photograph of the brown rock. At the entrance plateau of Visocica, there are several types of rocks that catch attention, just as this brown treated rock.
In a few places, you can see stone blocks in the grass. Is it a medieval road to the town of Visoko , several hundreds of meters long, paved? Or are those the remains of constructions of an ancient civilization? Because, if the blocks are hand made, it changes the entire history, and not just for this area.
So what was I faced with, a tiled road to a medieval town? Remains of a building enterprise of older civilizations? Or natural phenomenon?
For example, in the basement of Visoko Museum , professor Hodovic showed us a stoned entrance gate that was found in this region, and he said, "It has proven that the Bosnian medieval state had known stoned construction."
When we came down from Visocica, I focused my attention to the northern side of the hill. I told professor Hodovic that it reminded me of Mexican pyramids. I went to the car and took out a copy of my book Civilizations Before the Beginning of the Official History. I opened the book on page 108. There was a photograph of one of the Mexican pyramids on that page. I turned to Visocica. I showed the picture to Hodovic. "Professor, we have a design of a pyramid here!"
Hodovic took a look and found that the shapes of pyramid were identical to those of Visocica. The top matched to the last level of Mexican pyramid. And not only that. The plateau on the top of Mexican pyramid was identical to the one of Visocica, where the town of Visoki was built on.
Hodoviæ pogleda i, zbilja, konture piramide su identiène onima Visoèice. Usjek pri vrhu se poklapa sa zadnjim nivoom stepenaste meksièke piramide. I, ne samo to. Plato na vrhu meksièke piramide je identièan platou Visoèice na kome je izgraðen grad Visoki.
"Here, professor, there was a temple once on this plateau", I continued. "Since it was wooden, it's not existent any longer." Hodovic listened, and at that moment everything made sense, everything had matched, but... He probably asked himself if that really was the pyramid.
For me, there was no doubt.
The fact that out of all the pages in the book I flipped to the one that shows a Mexican pyramid wasn't accidental. I learned that that there were no coincidences in life... only signs that should be followed.
We came back to the town of Visoko looking for a position from where we could take good photographs of Visocica.
We went to the highway. From that distance we could see Visocica in its full size. Two out of four sides of its pyramidal shape could be seen clearly.
As we left Visoko, I was thinking about the building at the top of the plateau of Visocica. Actually, the town of Visoki was relatively small castle. Well, it did mean a lot for Bosnian state, especially during the period between XI and XIV century, from Kulin Ban to King Tvrtko I. The town was built on the top of the pyramid that was so old that it was completely covered with forest and layers of soil. Many thousands of years after its construction (the end of the last ice age), layers of soil that were 2.5 m (8.2 ft.) or even more thick were formed.
I saw an identical situation in the case of the biggest Central American pyramid in Cholula, the Mexican state of Puebla . When Spanish conquistadors took over the Aztec Empire in XVI century, Cholula was an urban town with 400 pyramidal structures. Cortez ordered that every single one of the pyramids was demolished and that churches were built in their place. In the town centre, surrounded with a valley, was a big hill. Cortez decided that the largest church would be built on the top of that hill. And so it was.
Three hundred years later, while building foundations for a mental hospital at the foot of the hill in Cholula , stone blocks that were hundreds of meters in length were discovered. After a detailed and extensive research by Mexican archaeologists it was confirmed that the hill was a pyramid with the largest surface in the world.
And, as Cortez built his cathedrals on top of the pyramids without ever knowing what was underneath them, so Bosnian monarchs built their first capital town on Visocica. They did not know what was under the surface, but it was as if they had felt the importance of the location.
The fact is it is a monumental pyramid. The only one in Europe for now. Without a doubt, it is an object that will become the most important symbol of this European region since the beginning of civilizations.
I spent May, June and July of 2005 making sure I got every single permit and license needed to start with drillings on Visocica. With the help of professor Hodovic, I get the permit of the Ministry of Culture and also the input of the Institution for Monumental Protection to commence with works. I chose between a few companies that have an experience in geological drilling in Bosnia , setting a date of mid August of 2005.