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Author Topic: S168, the Phone with a Solar Panel Charger  (Read 3196 times)

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S168, the Phone with a Solar Panel Charger
« on: 18. September 2007., 18:07:49 »
The Chinese are the ones that brought the S116 solar-powered mobile phone. And now they also bring the S168 handset, equipped with a solar panel charger that attaches to the phone.

China seems to be pretty keen on finding a solution for producing energy the green way. They have been the 
first ones to  jump at the thought of producing a handset that uses solar power for charging. The S168 phone
relies on such a charger, which might be appreciated especially by those who live in the sunniest countries around the globe.

Aside the unique feature that the solar panel charger brings for this phone, specifications are pretty good too. The handset comes in some fairly large sizes, at 108 x 81 x 15 and 115 grams. Still, this makes it possible to pack a large 2.6-inch 260k color display screen that also comes with touch sensitivity.

The 1.3-megapixel camera will surely fail to provide satisfying capture quality. This is not only because of the small resolution, but also due to the fact that Chinese handsets rarely manage to provide great image quality. The camera comes with 6 external speakers that will turn the handset into a walking stereo for the user to share its music with everybody around him. Ain't that saucy?

The phone also includes a microSD card slot to make sure it provides enough data storage space on which the user can keep its personal information. Other specifications are undisclosed, possibly because the handset lacks any other impressive features.

S168 is available in China, although the price that it comes for has not been revealed yet. Devices that use solar power for charging have proved to be quite popular, but it would be even more appealing if some of the leading handset producers would pick up the idea and bring a more reliable product out on the market.

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S168, the Phone with a Solar Panel Charger
« on: 18. September 2007., 18:07:49 »


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