@ Audiracecar90
It's as thay say a
It have been like this on VSE 8.8 from Win 7 and forward what I know. It seems not to have been fixed yet probably it would not bee before some one pointed it out to McAfee and it would probably not be a prioritized bug to fix because it is more and less cosmetic.
The old progress bar was not in Win XP reliable because it was calculated from the first files in the scan. To make a reliable calculation you need to scan thru the whole scan and look at the file type and numbers of files. That take time and make just the whole scan to take longer time and disk i/o from the scan.
So my suggestion look at the info about what file is scanned. The you can see the progress thrue the folders on the drive and how long the progress have gone. It works fine for me after the first faze of the scan have completed with the started programs, startup files and memory scan.
But even I want to see a working progress bar but not in cost of the scan time that I value more to have a short time.