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Author Topic: Windows PAE Patch + patch tool (!!) for Windows 7/8/8.1 & 10! Give x86 more RAM  (Read 19409 times)

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We all have been there... x86 Windows and you want to add and use more than 3 / 3.5 or 4 GB RAM. Should work, right? Because x86 Windows does NOT have a RAM limit, contrary to what people want you to believe... Really, it's a hardware limitation fanatically enforced by Microsoft.

Solution to address more than 3, 3.5 or 4 GB RAM (values vary) have been available for a long time. It's called the PAE Patch by

Implementing the patch always has been a pain in the ass with lots of details that can go wrong (at least, I'm always stumbling with it like a first class amateur ;p).

Today I upgraded a machine from Windows XP to Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and finally Windows 10. In the process I lost the PAE Patch I had working on Windows 8.1. I started googling, but sadly WJ32 did not release a Windows 10 patch, yet.

I tried the manual approach but was failing once more. Sigh.

LUCKILY, this time around I found a patch that will do all the manual labour for me!

I found it here:
Gives download link:!3tASjKpS!MyJfOB3v2lOTFx1nXHtKors2fpdHLJD_Ik_DfPidA3Q

And after testing it really worked XD

Enjoy your x86 system!!

PS: there are also (YouTube) solutions suggesting you simple enable the extra RAM with msconfig startup options. This does NOT work. Yes, Windows sees the RAM but CANNOT use it! The PAE patch is really the only way to do it.


Yours truly,


Solved! Is there a PAE 32-bit patch update for Windows 10
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Re: how to use more RAM on x86 Windows
« Reply #1 on: 17. November 2015., 15:29:20 »
As usual, you have a really good tips even for advanced SCF members.

Thanks D. :up:


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:) you're welcome, my friends

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