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Author Topic: GetRight 6.3a  (Read 3081 times)

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GetRight 6.3a
« on: 18. October 2007., 11:43:23 »
Title:   GetRight 6.3a
Filename:   getright_setup.exe
File size:   4.39MB (4,608,408 bytes)
Requirements:   Windows (All Versions)
License:   Shareware
Date added:   October 18, 2007

GetRight is a Download Manager program to help you download files from the Internet.

Most people have already experienced the are downloading a file, and your modem gets disconnected, or call waiting interrupts, or your computer crashes, or any number of other problems. Then you have to restart the download from the very beginning, losing all the time you had already spent.

GetRight solves this problem by allowing you to resume a download. If you got part of the file before the problem, GetRight will restart the download in the middle so it only gets the rest of the file, without having to restart from the beginning. This makes downloading your files much easier and faster.

GetRight has many other more advanced features to help you download the files--from re-dialing the modem automatically to turning off the computer when it is done getting the files (so you can just leave it alone to do the work!) You can even set a time when it should dial the modem to get the it can do all the work in the middle of the night while you sleep.

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GetRight 6.3a
« on: 18. October 2007., 11:43:23 »


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