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Author Topic: Beyond Bitcoin for Ransomware  (Read 9896 times)

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Beyond Bitcoin for Ransomware
« on: 05. June 2017., 21:02:24 »
Beyond Bitcoin for Ransomware

Ransomware is bringing Bitcoin into popular culture and raising awareness about cryptocurrencies. In May, the price of Bitcoin surged to over US$2,800 before retreating. It remains the “go to” digital currency for ransomware authors due to its relative anonymity, ease of use, and popularity.

As the ability for the public to acquire digital currencies other than Bitcoin becomes easier, cybercriminals will look to these alternatives to Bitcoin for funding malicious activities. In fact, hundreds of cryptocurrencies are now available on public markets. Some of these emerging “altcoins” offer improvements over Bitcoin in features cybercriminals value, such as anonymity and privacy, and are already used in illicit transactions on the dark web. Monero, for example, is gaining popularity on the dark web. Dash and Zcash also focus on techniques to keep financial transactions private and anonymous.

Arguably, the most popular cryptocurrency after Bitcoin is Ethereum. However, unlike Bitcoin, Ethereum is also a platform that allows developers to build applications – called “smart contracts” – that execute as part of a blockchain. Numerous industry efforts make interacting with the Ethereum blockchain easier for developers:

• The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance is a partnership that aims to define enterprise-grade software on a blockchain.

• Microsoft built Blockchain as a Service into Azure’s cloud services.

Ethereum Name Service (ENS) acts like DNS for the long Ethereum account and smart contract addresses.

MetaMask connects the familiarity of your internet browser directly to the Ethereum blockchain.

As development platforms for building applications and products on public blockchains evolve, the ability to leverage these for criminal activity will also increase. Cybercriminals will soon start building applications on blockchains, such as Ethereum, to automate the process of payment collection. For example, cybercriminals could build smart contracts into their ransomware packages. Encryption keys could be created and released on infection, and after subsequent payment to the smart contract, the package could ‘self-destruct’ and remove itself from the blockchain.

As with any new technology that holds the promise of solving important and legitimate technical problems, that same technology can be used to enable illegitimate activity. Understanding what that activity can be, where the potential for misuse is, and how to identify it when it occurs is going to be increasingly important for security professionals, especially as blockchain development becomes more prevalent in enterprise organizations.

Original article: By Eric Wuehler on  May 31, 2017
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Beyond Bitcoin for Ransomware
« on: 05. June 2017., 21:02:24 »


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Long time ago, I shared my thoughts about CryptoCurrencies:

I'm pretty sure that all them will sooner or later pop off just like a bubble... all this is a game from big Companies, Banks and even some Countries - whose plan is to rob us with modern "Ponzi scheme":

Everything will fail one day, when some big Countries forbids using CryptoCurrencies (since they can't control them)... after that, it'll start hysteric selling like on stock exchange when some Company lose value... many people will lose big money, since they will bought CC later (looking for some easy income) on high prices. :-\


FYI, I sold all my BTC before few days.


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Re: Beyond Bitcoin for Ransomware
« Reply #2 on: 22. September 2017., 12:49:11 »
Guys, what earnings can I get with bitcoins? I would like to hear good advice on how to do it. My friend recommended me to read this article. It's written very good and has big amount of details, so I learned a lot of new things, but I want to know the sum of money.


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Re: Beyond Bitcoin for Ransomware
« Reply #3 on: 24. September 2019., 20:54:23 »
I would say there is some kind of good culture is required for earning the money through the bitcoin which gives the best options for earning the money in good way.I have try to check about the Bitcoin Options which provides the best trading and investment money options in good way.


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Re: Beyond Bitcoin for Ransomware
« Reply #4 on: 14. June 2022., 09:46:20 »
Why not settling on games that is fun and at the same time your earning. Well it'll make suspense because of the game as well but dude just try it and it gave me hope while pandemic is real rn.   The Baccarat Formula That Can Help You Improve Your Odds

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Re: Beyond Bitcoin for Ransomware
« Reply #4 on: 14. June 2022., 09:46:20 »


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