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Author Topic: Why do people prefer Linux OS over Windows ?  (Read 11068 times)

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Why do people prefer Linux OS over Windows ?
« on: 02. November 2017., 14:01:55 »
Hi to all friends,

Right from my school days i was used to Windows OS, and recently i have started working on Linux OS at server end, i feel Linux OS is more secure than Windows OS as per my experience.

Let me know your opinions as well.


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Why do people prefer Linux OS over Windows ?
« on: 02. November 2017., 14:01:55 »


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Re: Why do people prefer Linux OS over Windows ?
« Reply #1 on: 02. November 2017., 18:14:08 »
Hi Krishna88,

I do love Unix OS's for their security and less resource hungry then Windows.

But if in need for Windows Servers then a good Firewall is a must for me.

So basically used more Windows then Unix family but still happy to run a Linux server that's not bloating the services away after a Windows patch, hehe.

be well,
be well,


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Re: Why do people prefer Linux OS over Windows ?
« Reply #2 on: 02. November 2017., 22:28:49 »
Well, Unix-based systems in general have a more strict permission policy than Windows-based systems.


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Re: Why do people prefer Linux OS over Windows ?
« Reply #3 on: 16. October 2018., 06:13:47 »
I prefer Linux over windows because programming and surfing and most of the daily activities can be done in Linux more efficiently and securely than in windows.


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Re: Why do people prefer Linux OS over Windows ?
« Reply #4 on: 08. June 2020., 09:58:05 »
Linux is opensource. So it allows you to modify the code and publish it but using General Public License.
There are very fewer loopholes in Linux than in Windows.
As the source code is opensource, numerous eyes are looking at any fault in the security of the software.
This ensures high-end security.
That is why I love Linux.

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Re: Why do people prefer Linux OS over Windows ?
« Reply #4 on: 08. June 2020., 09:58:05 »


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