Does anybody have a grant number to possibly download and provide the Patch? I am really working hard to find it. Aren't we all.. Unfortunately I cannot afford the price to renew my older contract grant number since they upped the price for me beyond what I can sustain.
Please understand I am not asking for the Program (VSE) or anything that could possibly be installed to make this a working version of VSE!! I am only looking for a patch.I am trying desperately to find this patch, as losing the ability to be able to see the icon in your notification area is
CRITICAL to allowing the end user to feel not only confident that they are protected, but also allow "allowed" (if you use EPO) actions that the enduser can perform on their own, without jumping through hoops. This also cuts down on the phone calls and emails that are already overwhelming me for basic items (pswd, print, slowness)... I am just a small business owner trying to keep my edge over the bigger guys.
Help Please.. and no, my EPO clients have been reverted, but I have much more not under EPO control control. Most are a 1 or 2 off client. All have current end user licenses.. And manually reverting them is problematic, to say it gently.

It was released 10/2017..
Help Please