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Author Topic: Automatic subtitles search Lightening Media Player (FREE DOWNLOAD)  (Read 3393 times)

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  • Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger.
    • - Samker's Computer Forum

Are you watching movies or TV series in foreign language? Do you spend a lot of time searching for correct subtitles? With Lightening Media Player, you don't have to anymore. This brand new and inovative media player will do all the work for you.

Locating and downloading the correct subtitles for your videos has never been easier. Open Lightening Media Player and play the video you want to get subtitles for. You will be asked to choose your language. After that, you just click search button and it locates, downloads and imports the subtitles into the video for you.

Lightening Media Player is a product of multiple highly skilled people, who decided that regular multimedia player applications aren't enough and therefore teamed up and started working on revolutionary, breath-taking technology.

FREE Download:

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