Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) are a type of steroid hormone that is said to increase anabolism. the process of synthesizing and building molecules in the body. All AAS are derivatives of the steroid hormone testosterone. AAS is said to enhance the anabolic effects of testosterone while minimizing androgenic side effects when treating patients with the catabolic disease.
The anabolic effect of AAS is to increase protein synthesis through efficient use of amino acids, prevent protein breakdown, retain nitrogen, and build skeletal muscle. Androgenic effects associated with puberty, such as baldness in men, deepening of the voice, facial hair, increased secretion from sebum glands. AAS like Anavar has a high anabolic activity (high anabolic: androgenic ratio 10: 1) compared to testosterone (1: 1 anabolic: androgenic ratio). You can
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