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Author Topic: Differences between essays and other creative works  (Read 3062 times)

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Differences between essays and other creative works
« on: 14. August 2021., 13:54:30 »
Such works are written not only on literary works, as it may seem at first. Assignments on such subjects as history, political science, philosophy, social studies - and this is not the whole list.

Is academized legit? To write a good essay, you need to understand how it differs from other works, such as essays. This genre has its own special features:

•   small volume;
•   always deals with a specific, narrow topic or issue;
•   the presence of theses and supporting arguments;
the need to present their own thoughts;
•   free, not scientific style of narration.

It is not necessary to retell theories and hypotheses, to follow templates - it is necessary to write down own thoughts about the chosen topic and to prove their consistency, relying on the studied information.

You can use various expressive methods, cite quotes, famous aphorisms - there are no strict limits. The main thing is not to exceed the recommended length, which is usually no more than seven pages.

The structure of essays is also different from essays and other papers. It is not necessary to write a table of contents, to break it up into paragraphs and chapters. The text should consist of three components:

•   introduction;
•   the main part, which consists of an alternation of theses and arguments;
•   conclusion.

The introduction and conclusion should not occupy more than 25% of the text. Starting to write the essay, you need to outline the problems and relevance of the topic, formulate the main questions and to the extent necessary to give answers to them.

The main part is a full analysis of the questions posed. It is carried out with the help of some statements, ideas - theses, which should be supported by arguments - facts, logical conclusions, life experiences, various data. In the final part, you should describe your own vision of the problem and propose ways to solve it.

​Related resources:
How to write an essay for admission to a U.S. university

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Differences between essays and other creative works
« on: 14. August 2021., 13:54:30 »


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Re: Differences between essays and other creative works
« Reply #1 on: 10. December 2021., 13:28:04 »
Academic writing necessitates a delicate balance between original argument and the use of other people's arguments. Writing a wholly 'new' essay without citing a single source shows that you haven't done your homework and aren't familiar with what has already been published. Citing someone for each point you make, on the other hand, indicates that you haven't come up with a unique argument. As a result, while making a statement of fact or drawing on arguments, frameworks, or ideas offered by other academics, it is critical that you provide evidence (a trustworthy citation). These, in turn, should reinforce the novel's larger point, which you are making. We have a lot of mobile games on pc like this belle of brawl stars.


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Re: Differences between essays and other creative works
« Reply #2 on: 11. June 2022., 13:51:43 »
I want to thank my author WISEESSAYS, who was able to write my essay for me, strictly following my instructions and using additional material. And the EssayBestWriter site helped me find it. I got what I wanted and my professor liked it too.


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Re: Differences between essays and other creative works
« Reply #3 on: 14. June 2022., 07:22:01 »
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Re: Differences between essays and other creative works
« Reply #3 on: 14. June 2022., 07:22:01 »


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