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McAfee VirusScan Enterprise protects your desktop and file servers from a wide range of threats, including viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and potentially unwanted code and programs. McAfee VirusScan® 8 takes anti-virus protection to the next level, integrating elements of intrusion prevention and firewall technology into a single solution for PCs and file servers. This powerful combination delivers truly proactive protection from the newest of today’s threats-including buffer - overflow exploits and blended attacks - and features advanced outbreak management responses to reduce the damage and costs of outbreaks. Everything is managed by McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator® or ProtectionPilot™ for scalable security policy compliance and graphical reporting.Release Notes for VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i Patch 7 (Readme.txt)Environment McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5iMicrosoft WindowsSummary NOTE: Patch 7 is currently in a Managed Release period, where select customers receive the Patch and work closely with Tier III Support to implement the Patch and provide feedback. Any issues found are investigated and addressed. This article will be updated when Patch 7 reaches General Release, which is expected to be 7 November 2008.Customers who wish to participate in this Managed Release program should contact their Technical Account Manager or Support Account Manager. For more details see 615747. Patch Release: October 6, 2008This release was developed and tested with:- VirusScan Enterprise:8.5i- DAT Version: 5382, September 11, 2008- Engine Version: 5.3.00__________________________________________________ ________IMPROVEMENTS1. The on-demand scanner has been updated to better use the System Utilization setting throughout theentire scanning process.Refer to McAfee Support Knowledgebase article9197288 for further information.2. This Patch contains a new Buffer Overflow and Access Protection DAT (version 378), which adds anAccess Protection category for Virtual Machine Protection. These rules provide access protectionfunctionality for virtual machines.NOTE:To manage the new Virtual Machine Protectioncategory with ePolicy Orchestrator 3.x orProtectionPilot, you must use the latest NAP file, included in this Patch package, or VirusScan 8.5iRepost Patch 5.For ePolicy Orchestrator 4.x users, the Extension update also contains the updated rule file. Theupdated Extension package is available on the web product download area under the Patches category.__________________________________________________ ________RESOLVED ISSUESThe resolved issues are divided into subsections perpatch, showing when each fix was added to thecompilation.PATCH 7 RESOLVED ISSUES1. ISSUE:When installing a VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i patch, the existing On-Access Scanner service might failto unload. This leads to two instances of the service, with one consuming a high amount of CPUusage.RESOLUTION:The On-Access Scanner service had been updated to avoid a runaway thread scenario that caused theservice, being replaced, to not stop.NOTE:To avoid this issue while installing Patch 7 or later, install HF427887 first. Refer to McAfeeSupport KnowledgeBase article 616344 for further information.2. ISSUE:Changes to the VirusScan Enterprise core subsystem disabled performance optimization for handlingfrequent write actions to INI and LOG files.RESOLUTION:The Anti-Virus Filter Driver was corrected to ensure that scanning of specified file extensionsis optimized, as in previous versions.3. ISSUE:A three-party deadlock occurred, causing the On-Access Scanner to become blocked until it timesout. This causes the scanner service to time out and eventually self-terminate.RESOLUTION:The Common Shell scanner has been updated to prevent the On-Access Scanner from becoming blockedwhile the security libraries are loaded by the system.4. ISSUE:The extended reports NAP contained some ePolicy Orchestrator stored procedures that were needed toadd support for the VirusScan product line. The ePolicy Orchestrator patches have since made newmodifications to the same stored procedures. Therefore, when the VirusScan extended reports NAPis checked in after the new ePolicy Orchestrator modified procedures are in place, they areoverwritten and the newer functionality is lost.RESOLUTION:The VirusScan extended reports NAP has been revised to no longer replace the ePolicy Orchestratorstored procedures.5. ISSUE:If the Lotus Notes client is running during the uninstall of VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i, the LotusNotes Scanner entries might not be properly removed from the NOTES.INI file. This can cause the LotusNotes client to crash on subsequent starts.RESOLUTION:The Lotus Notes Scanner module has been corrected to remove its entries in the NOTES.INI file for allscenarios.6. ISSUE:The VirusScan Enterprise Patch installer did not correctly preserve the MIDFileTime registry value.This caused the McAfee Installation Designer (MID) .CAB files to be re-applied at the time ofinstallation.RESOLUTION:The Patch installer has been updated to correctly preserve the binary value of MIDFileTime.7. ISSUE:Changes made in Microsoft Vista SP1 and later, in how the operating system opens/views network files,caused delays in opening new network paths, with the On-Access Scanner’s Network Scanning featureenabled.RESOLUTION:The link driver has been modified to use a different method of accessing the network resourcesthat avoids the delays imposed by the operating system change.8. ISSUE:A 7E bugcheck (blue screen) might occur if an application shut down immediately after sendingdata over the network.RESOLUTION:The link driver has been revised to better handle data that is transmitted by applications after thedriver has stopped.9. ISSUE:When the VirusScan NAP is checked in, it runs a script that enables anti-spyware settings inpolicies and tasks, if the AntiSpyware 8.5 module NAP is in the ePolicy Orchestrator repository. Theintended purpose of the script is similar to the local AntiSpyware module installer, which enablesits settings when installed on a local system.RESOLUTION:The VirusScan NAP has been updated so that the script is disabled during check-in of the VirusScanNAP package. This prevents the anti-spyware settings from being enabled when updating theVirusScan NAP.NOTE:The McAfee AntiSpyware 8.5 module NAP has the same script in it. This means that if the McAfeeAntiSpyware 8.5 module NAP is installed after the VirusScan NAP, the anti-spyware settings are stillenabled.10. ISSUE:Servers that deal with many file writes were becoming unresponsive.RESOLUTION:The anti-virus filter driver was revised to correctly filter and dispatch scans on write.Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/162883302/patch_7.rarDownload Mirror: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=TBOMJVYUP.S.Please, request your password in reply to this Topic (register first, you need only 15 sec. for that) !
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