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Author Topic: Fat piston filler for arthritis  (Read 1139 times)

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Fat piston filler for arthritis
« on: 07. February 2024., 11:12:39 »
 I am currently using a Guider Zimbo eye dropper with a Fountain Pen Revolution Gold nib and ebonite feed. I feel eye dropper performance is erratic. The section on this pen is .535 “ . I would like a piston filler of this size capable of taking a standard #6 nib and ebonite feed. I have tried the Magna Carter ebonite feed with a converter. It is great but not wet enough. I am not anxious to modify the feed as I don’t think it would be effective. I have no interest in paying for a MB 149 and calligraphy nib or modifying my 149. I do occasionally use a dip pen but want a fountain pen to do copperplate.
* Large pen with large section
* piston filled
* Capable of #6 nib with ebonite feed.


Samker's Computer Forum -

Fat piston filler for arthritis
« on: 07. February 2024., 11:12:39 »


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