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Author Topic: Too good to ignore: 6 alternative browsers  (Read 3508 times)

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    • - Samker's Computer Forum
Too good to ignore: 6 alternative browsers
« on: 11. December 2008., 18:21:32 »

Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari lead the market, but there are other browsers out there for PC and Mac users. Which are better from these 'lesser-known' browsers ?

When Microsoft, Mozilla or Apple comes out with a new version of Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari, it makes news,mainly because most of us use one or more of these three Web browsers. In fact, with the exception of Google's Chrome (which made a big splash, mostly because it came from Google), most of the alternative browsers out there tend to get lost in the shuffle.And it's too bad, because some of these relatively unknown browsers are good, and could be better for some users than the ones they're using now.

ComputerWorld has come out with an excellent article which puts these 'lesser-known' browsers out for a spin and see how they do. The browsers compared were :

    * Camino (for the Mac):
    * Maxthon (for the PC):
    * OmniWeb (for the Mac):
    * Opera (both the Mac and PC versions):
    * Shiira (for the Mac):

Which is the best? It all depends on what you need from a browser!


Samker's Computer Forum -

Too good to ignore: 6 alternative browsers
« on: 11. December 2008., 18:21:32 »


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