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Author Topic: What is FireWall?!  (Read 49769 times)

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What is FireWall?!
« on: 22. March 2009., 17:24:16 »

A firewall is a dedicated appliance, or software running on computer, which inspects network traffic passing through it, and denies or permits passage based on a set of rules.

A firewall's basic task is to regulate some of the flow of traffic between computer networks of different trust levels. Typical examples are the Internet which is a zone with no trust and an internal network which is a zone of higher trust. A zone with an intermediate trust level, situated between the Internet and a trusted internal network, is often referred to as a "perimeter network" or Demilitarized zone (DMZ).

A firewall's function within a network is similar to physical firewalls with fire doors in building construction. In the former case, it is used to prevent network intrusion to the private network. In the latter case, it is intended to contain and delay structural fire from spreading to adjacent structures.

Without proper configuration, a firewall can often become worthless. Standard security practices dictate a "default-deny" firewall ruleset, in which the only network connections which are allowed are the ones that have been explicitly allowed. Unfortunately, such a configuration requires detailed understanding of the network applications and endpoints required for the organization's day-to-day operation. Many businesses lack such understanding, and therefore implement a "default-allow" ruleset, in which all traffic is allowed unless it has been specifically blocked. This configuration makes inadvertent network connections and system compromise much more likely.
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What is FireWall?!
« on: 22. March 2009., 17:24:16 »


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Re: What is FireWall?!
« Reply #1 on: 21. September 2009., 08:35:28 »
I anticipate that the firewall is a committed appliance, or software active on computer, which inspects arrangement cartage casual through it, and denies or permits access based on a set of rules.


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Re: What is FireWall?!
« Reply #2 on: 29. October 2009., 16:35:59 »
firewalls are annoying when i'm trying to download a 3rd party file

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Re: What is FireWall?!
« Reply #3 on: 23. January 2010., 12:56:48 »
What is a Computer Firewall?

Firewall is a computer program that monitors the flow of information from the Internet to your computer. There are two different types of firewall available for you to use - Hardware Firewalls and Software Firewalls.

Hardware Firewall:
A Hardware Firewall is a physical piece of equipment that sits between the Internet and your computer. An example of a hardware firewall is a broadband router, a common form of Internet connection. The benefit of using a hardware firewall, is that it has the ability to protect multiple computer systems that are connected to it at the same time. This makes it an effective firewall for use in businesses that have multiple computers connected to the Internet, as well as in homes that have more than one computer system.

Software Firewall:
Software Firewalls work in the same way as a hardware firewall, by monitoring and blocking information that comes to your computer via the Internet, however software firewalls must be installed as a program on your computer. These software firewalls can either be installed from a computer disk that you have purchased, or downloaded over the Internet. Software firewalls are the most common type of firewall. Programs such as Norton 360, Norton Internet Security, ESET Smart Security, and Kaspersky Internet Security all have a firewall bundled within them.

What a Firewall does:
Regardless of what type of firewall you choose to use, having one on your computer is a really good idea. A firewall helps to prevent computer hackers from accessing your computer through the Internet, and stealing sensitive information or infecting your computer system with some form of computer virus. A hacker can gain access to your system by �back doors� or open ports that connect your computer to the Internet. With a firewall in place these ports are blocked from inbound traffic, effectively closing the door in the hackers face.

Of course, damage can also be done to your computer from outbound traffic as well. Say for instance a hacker was able to slip by you with a Trojan, virus, spyware or phishing scheme that went undetected. The next time you booted up your computer and connected to the Internet, information on your computer could be sent out to the hacker. Many firewalls also block outbound traffic that will help prevent this from happening.

There are basically two ways that Firewalls work. Generally, data that comes in is analyzed by the firewall to determine the IP address it is coming from and the content that it contains. The firewall system then checks to see if this information is compliant with rules that you are able to configure. It can also analyze information at the application level. The firewall program will determine whether or not the application should be able to send or receive data through the port you are connected by.

Firewall programs are extremely important to the protection of not only your computer system, but you personal information as well. Many anti-virus programs come with firewall protection. Firewall protection should be considered an essential part of any computer's security strategy.


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Re: What is FireWall?!
« Reply #4 on: 07. March 2010., 00:28:50 »
I know that a firewall blocks traffic or networks that are intruding and that are possibly untrustworthy or not permitted. I know at my job we have a firewall that blocks attacks from other computers, viruses, etc. I am wondering though about my home computer. I have enabled my firewall on my computer and I do have Mcafee, but have been told I do not need them because my ip provider has a firewall built in. Is this accurate or not? Thanks.

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Re: What is FireWall?!
« Reply #4 on: 07. March 2010., 00:28:50 »


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Re: What is FireWall?!
« Reply #5 on: 10. March 2010., 12:56:36 »
Firewall is a part of a computer system or network that is designed to block unauthorized access while permitting authorized communications. It is a device or set of devices which is configured to permit or deny computer based application upon a set of rules and other criteria.


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Re: What is FireWall?!
« Reply #6 on: 17. March 2010., 07:24:59 »
Firewalls are protective programmes to prevent viruses getting onto your computer that's nowadays term, but a firewall is generally a fireproof material stopping fire from spreading to other places.


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Re: What is FireWall?!
« Reply #7 on: 31. July 2010., 10:25:52 »
segregation software.. you have to decide what to segregate how..
segregation of private and public


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Re: What is FireWall?!
« Reply #8 on: 11. August 2010., 06:01:52 »
I would very thankful for all of you because You all of have contribute interesting and very useful information about Firewall.I got lot of new information about Firewall that will be definitely useful for me.Today lots of a number of companies make firewall products. Features include logging and reporting, automatic alarms at given thresholds of attack, and a graphical user interface for controlling the firewall.


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Re: What is FireWall?!
« Reply #9 on: 12. August 2010., 06:40:05 »
Firewall is a application Which regulate the Traffic On Our Network.It will check the all the Network and also we can Prevent Our Computer and Data from the Hacker.So always keep on Firewall on Your Computer.

Samker's Computer Forum -

Re: What is FireWall?!
« Reply #9 on: 12. August 2010., 06:40:05 »


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