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Author Topic: Outpost Security Suite Pro 2009 Build 6.5.2514.381.685.326 Final  (Read 4712 times)

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Agnitum Outpost Security Suite - a robust combination of award-winning firewall, fast and effective anti-malware, personalized antispam and proactive Host Protection module to defend against the majority of Internet risks. Includes automated configuration service and other user aids.

Outpost Security Suite Pro provides the first line of defense against rogue software by proactively controlling how programs behave and interact on a PC. The Host Protection safeguard, which proactively monitors for and blocks the kinds of sophisticated hacking techniques used to compromise or steal data, means that malicious activity is no longer possible. By analyzing threats and displaying actionable alerts, Host Protection stops zero-day attacks and shields the computer against inappropriate operations, rendering it “defended in advance” against security risks like botnets and inadvertent data disclosure.


Changes in Outpost Security Suite Pro 2009 (6.5.2514.381.685.326.204) 14 february 2009:
The following improvements are introduced:
* Updated antivirus engine;
* Performance optimization for file and registry operations ;
The following issues are resolved (only significant ones are listed):
* Security:
o Problems with probes hooked GDI SSDT functions ;
o Problems with the challenge probes hooked native SSDT functions ;
o Problems with Microsoft's tool used for drivers' verifications
* Ease of use:
o Improved display of application list;
o Corrected license information in the main program window;
o Fixed heuristic analyzer engine false positives;
* Compatibility and stability:
o Fixed cooperation issues with Magic Mail Monitor;
o Outpost could crash on internal cache operations (all platforms) ;
o Outpost could crash on Windows Vista 32-bit, 64-bit platforms (NDIS 6 memory corruption) ;
o Outpost could crash during rules adding into database with low system resources ;
o Outpost could crash during process start with low system resources ;
o Outpost could crash on 64-bit platforms during process name detection (Vista, XP, W2K3 )

64 bit

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