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Author Topic: PlayStation 3 recieves Trend Micro security service  (Read 5346 times)

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    • - Samker's Computer Forum

As reported by PS3Addiction, Trend Micro, a leader in antivirus and network software, has begun to offer a new security service for Sony's PlayStation 3 web browser. With the latest PlayStation 3 firmware of 2.70, Trend Micro is offering a trial of its security service in two versions.

The first comes in the form of a web filter. This option will allow parents to filter out adult content and spam, helping to keep children safe on the Internet. The filter works by removing images and search results of inappropriate matter as well as blocking websites known to contain adult and illegal material.

The second is a privacy lock which helps to protect players' personal information from hackers. The privacy lock will secure data such as email addresses, passwords and credit card details as well as blocking phishing websites that aim to steal personal information.

Trend Micro is the first company to create a security service for the PlayStation 3, giving added peace of mind to the growing amount of gamers. The feature was originally announced by the company in 2007: , with a planned release in the firmware 2.0 update.

To install the trial of this software, open your PlayStation 3 web browser, press the triangle on your controller and scroll down to "Browser Security". Once the security center has been opened, click on the "Trend Micro for PlayStation 3" link and simply follow the proceeding instructions.


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