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Author Topic: YouTube swamped by porn (Porn Day, 4chan, Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana)  (Read 11759 times)

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    • - Samker's Computer Forum

Reports indicate that YouTube was swamped yesterday by an abundance of pornography.

A large group of users began uploading seemingly innocent clips, many with kid-friendly tags such as "Jonas Brothers" and "Hannah Montana". The clips however, while possessing 30 seconds of normal content at the beginning, were predominantly explicit.

The attack is being dubbed the "Porn Day" attack by the culprits, users of the website "4chan".

Google has said that it is aware of the attacks, are is taking the appropriate action. Unfortunately, thumbnails may remain on the website for up to a week while Google removes the offending material.

The attack comes at a time where Google is already being sued by Viacom for not doing enough regarding copyright content. This occurrence may direct attention to Google, with regard to child safety on the web.


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