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Author Topic: What's trying to access the Internet?  (Read 5014 times)

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What's trying to access the Internet?
« on: 12. June 2007., 23:38:35 »
Filename   Program Name   Description   Recommended Action
AIM.exe     AOL instant messenger   The worlds most popular IM client   Always permit as a client but think twice before granting any IM program server rights
Alg.exe     Application layer gateway   Part of WinXP that provides support for ICS and Internet connection firewall (ICF)   If a third party firewall warns you     that Alg.exe wants to access, check to make sure you're not double firewalled. If you are disable ICF. If you are using neither ICF or ICS and are warned that Alg.exe is trying to access the internet, deny it. A Trojan or worm is trying to use it as a backdoor
Dwwin.exe      Dr. Watson   MS application error reporting tool, which gathers data about malfunctioning software and can send it to Microsoft   Permit once to transmit this information
Explorer.exe.  Windows Explorer   Microsoft's windows shell   This generally doesn't need to have access to the internet. Permit once if you intentionally performed an operation that requires net access
Iexplore.exe   MS Internet Explorer   MS Web Browser   Some spyware can start your browser and pass information to it's maker via a URL or cookie. To prevent snooping, permit once if you don't mind one extra click at IE start-up
Lsass.exe   Local security authentication server, Windows NT/2k/xp   Validates passwords when user logs in   Always permit, but keep in mind that this file is a frequent target of malware, so scan it regularly to make sure it hasn't been altered
Msimn.exe   MS outlook express   MS Mail client   For pop3 OE needs to make outgoing connections on ports 110(pop) and 25(smtp). If your firewall lets you select which ports a program can use, permit these ports always but allow access on no others. If you're using IMAP, allow access to port 143 as well
Msmsgs.exe   MSN and windows messenger   MS IM service   See Aim.exe
Navapw.exe   Norton antivirus auto-protect   performs nightly updates of NAV patterns   Always Permit
Ndisuio.sys   NDIS user I/O   Internal windows driver; Performs internal windows communications tasks within windows   Always permit
Ntoskrnl   NT OS kernel   Windows NT/2k Kernel   Always permit. Note that this file is attacked and altered by many Trojans and worms; scan regularly
Quicktimeplayer   Apple Quicktime player   Plays quicktime and various other audio and video formats   Permit once when you actually want to stream media across the internet
Realplayer   Realmedia players   plays digital medias   See quicktimeplayer.exe
Rundll32.exe   Run DLL as a program   runs code from a dynamic link library (eg, from a control panel applet)as if it were a complete program   Permit once with care. But be suspicious; if you can't think of a reason the applet you just clicked needs to access the internet, then click no
Sevices.exe   Windows NT/2000 services   Performs system logging, tracks resources,sends messages and alerts, manages pnp devices, handles windows networking   Always permit
Setup_wm.exe   Windows media player setup   Occasionally tries to check with MS for updates   Always deny. This program can leak information about the media you play. Get your updates through windows update
Svchost.exe   Generic host process for win32 services (Win2k)   This program is similar to Unix inetd.exe program.It runs one or more DLL who's code provides services to machines on the network   Always Permit
Userinit.exe   initiate user environment   This sets up a user's computing environment immediately after log on. It starts the shell, establishes network connections and handles other similar logistics   Always Permit
Winlogon.exe   Windows log on utility   Accepts user passwords   Always Permit
Wkufind.exe   Ms works update detection   Checks for MS works, and Picture it updates   PErmit once when update is desired
Wmplayer.exe   Windows media player   MS media Player may be activated my web pages or other software and can slow the system dramatically   See Quicktimeplayer.exe
Wuaucit.exe   Windows update, auto update client   Retrieves updates from windows update server   Always permit, but be warned: According to MS, updates may invoke DRM restrictions, preventing you from playing multimedia content already on your system. Read the details of each update before applying it

Information obtained via PCMag.[/pre]
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What's trying to access the Internet?
« on: 12. June 2007., 23:38:35 »


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