This is a trojan detection. Unlike viruses, trojans do not self-replicate.
They are spread manually, often under the premise that they are beneficial or wanted. The most common installation methods involve system or security exploitation, and unsuspecting users manually executing unknown programs. Distribution channels include email, malicious or hacked web pages, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), peer-to-peer networks, etc.
Characteristics -
This is a trojan detection. Unlike viruses, trojans do not self-replicate. They are spread manually, often under the premise that they are beneficial or wanted. The most common installation methods involve system or security exploitation, and unsuspecting users manually executing unknown programs. Distribution channels include email, malicious or hacked web pages, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), peer-to-peer networks, etc.
System Changes
Files Added
c:\program files\common files\spooldata\spooler ( 308736 bytes )
The following registry keys are created:
imagepath="C:\Program Files\Common Files\SpoolData\Spooler"
security="(binary registry data)
description="(binary registry data)
The following registry keys are written:
Symptoms -
Presence of the files/Registry keys mentioned above
Unexplained activity on the victim's machine indicative of someone having remote access via the client component.
Method of Infection -
Trojans do not self-replicate. They are spread manually, often under the premise that the executable is something beneficial. Distribution channels include IRC, peer-to-peer networks, newsgroup postings, email, etc.
Removal -
All Users:
Use current engine and DAT files for detection and removal.
Modifications made to the system Registry and/or INI files for the purposes of hooking system startup, will be successfully removed if cleaning with the recommended engine and DAT combination (or higher).
Additional Windows ME/XP removal considerations