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Author Topic: How to move my user folder to other drives?  (Read 3547 times)

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How to move my user folder to other drives?
« on: 03. October 2009., 18:00:30 »
Alright I was asked to start a new topic by Samker, as well as to better explain what my problem is.

Someone mentioned in another thread "How to Make Windows 7 Installs Easy" (,3199.0/topicseen.html) that you can move your user folders such as My Documents, Music, as well as other applications to other drives. I'm not sure how do I accomplish this. For example I want to have my user folder in my other partition, so that when I do a clean install of Windows all my data are still there. It's not a simple 'copy and paste' thing is it?

On a sidenote, I was wondering also how could I redirect an application after moving it from its original installation path. For instance, I have this program that just installs into C: drive without giving me a option to change the installation directory, and it eats up valuable space from my C: drive. Is there anyway to move the folder and still have it running smoothly? (I tried moving it but the program wouldn't start, gave some sort of "Please reinstall" command...)

Thanks guys.

Samker's Computer Forum -

How to move my user folder to other drives?
« on: 03. October 2009., 18:00:30 »


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Re: How to move my user folder to other drives?
« Reply #1 on: 03. October 2009., 23:10:12 »
Hi L.,

basically I was resolve this very easily... I have two hard discs on one I run OS and another I use only for storage of my files (where I have different folders for pics, music, movies...) simple when I download/copy something I save all that direct on that another disc, so whatever happens with my Windows my files are safe. ;)
You can do same thing also with different partitions.

That is also answer for your second question, simple when you install some new program point them to install on second disc/partition instead of your Program Files part at C: disc.

Hope this will help you, also hope that other SCF Members will take a part in this Topic with theirs suggestions and experiences??



Samker's Computer Forum -

Re: How to move my user folder to other drives?
« Reply #1 on: 03. October 2009., 23:10:12 »


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