Hi All,
I have come accross a situation where by if you install McAfee v8.5 even with the latest patches and hotfixes on a HP 6910p with the Intel Wireless Config Software installed you will get a problem with the McAfee Startup service's more notibly the McAfee framework service, Update - The Problem is only apparant after a few days not imedaitely which is very strange!!
It seems as if the Intel Wireless software installs it's own Iframwrk.exe along with it's own zero config service which is required to run the wireless utility which then causes compatability issues with the startup of the McAfee Products. I have sinced uninstalled the Intel Wireless utility and all seems to be back to normal and I will monitor for the next couple of days....
P.s disabling the built in XP wireless zero config service also does nothing to resolve the issue..
Please note the system is running WinXP SP3 with all the latest Updates, As well as McAfee v8.5 Patch 8 with Hotfix running the latest DAT's
Any Updates I will post here.......
Quick Update: 02.01.2010......
I have established that when using the Windows Wireless Zero Config Service that if your wireless network is encypted using WPA (TKIP Encryption) it will keep droping the connection and that the only way round this is to use the Intel Wireless Manager which puts us back to square one, (Please note I have not tried other encryption methods like WEP as it's simply too weak) the only way the XP Zero Config service will work is when encryption is disabled. (Dam not want I wanted but hey it's all trial an error!!)
I have yet to try the HP Wireless assistant as I'm relunctunt to have to install .Net Framwork just for this one piece of Software. I am testing some other free wireless tools to see if any of them are any better.......Keep watching this space...
Problem Sorta Fixed: 03.01.2010......
3rd party wireless tools pretty much failed in what I needed them to do so I perfomed a quick restore and went about Disabling the Iframework.exe from the startup process which seems to clear the problem,(Which is not ideal) I will have to test with user rights as policies may not allow for the starting of the Iframework.exe when you click on the Wireless Icon as it's only when you click on the Intel Wireless Icon that you get the Iframework service wanting to start.
I will see If a simple delayed startup batch file will alleviate the problem not very pretty but it may have too do as Msconfig from what I know doesn’t allow you to perform delayed startup of a particular process and I dont want to have to go down the 3rd party software route as many of them are not free for corporate use and granting elivated privilages to the Iframework.exe service is obiously out of the question. Quick Update: If you can ensure you "DISABLE" the Wirless Connection within the Network Properties befor you shut down then eveything starts up ok.......um very weird. Im feeling a BIOS update next which does'nt always solve problems but I may have to go down this road. Will update with results...