could u give me the solution how to start the common framework service in the mcafee when it gets disabled and result in failure in installation of the mcafee 8.5i
Ok, few tips for you:Solution 1To avoid having to use the Microsoft registry monitor (Regmon) or file monitor (Filemon) tools, you can overcome the issue by registering all DLLs in the McAfee VirusScan folder. However, if a DLL used by VirusScan which resides in the Windows System folder is missing or not registered then these tools might be required.
Step 1 - Allow McAfee services to be stopped (applies to VSE 8.5i and later)
1. Click Start, Programs, McAfee, VirusScan Console.
2. Right-click on Access Protection and select Properties.
3. Deselect Prevent McAfee services from being stopped.
4. Click Apply.
5. Close VirusScan Console.
Step 2 - Stop the Framework service
Click Start, Run, type services.msc and click OK.
Right-click the McAfee Framework Service and select Stop.
Close the Services window.
Step 3 - Register all the DLLs in the Common Framework directory
Click Start, Run, type CMD and click OK.
Type the appropriate command below and press ENTER:
For VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i and later: cd \Program Files\McAfee\Common Framework
For VirusScan Enterprise 8.0i: cd \Program Files\Network Associates\Common Framework
NOTE: The above are default installation directories. If you specified a different directory during installation, use that location instead.
To re-register the files, type the following command and press ENTER:
for %m in (*.dll) do regsvr32 /s %m
Wait for the DLL registrations to take place.
Step 4 - Register all the DLLs in %SystemRoot%\System32
Some of the shared McAfee DLLs are located in the %SystemRoot%\System32 folder.
To navigate to the System 32 folder, type the following command and press ENTER:
CD %SystemRoot%\System32
To register all the files in the System32 folder, type the following command and press ENTER:
for %m in (*.dll) do regsvr32 /s %m
Wait for the DLL registrations to take place, then close the command prompt window.
Step 5 - Restart the McAfee Framework Service
1. Click Start, Run, type services.msc, and click OK.
2. Right-click the McAfee Framework Service and select Start.
3. Close the Services window.
4. Initiate an AutoUpdate.
Step 6 - Do not allow McAfee services to be stopped (applies to VSE 8.5i and later)
1. Click Start, Programs, McAfee, VirusScan Console.
2. Right-click on Access Protection and select Properties.
3. Select Prevent McAfee services from being stopped.
4. Click Apply.
5. Close VirusScan Console.
Solution 2Copy the missing or corrupt file from a working system and register it on the affected computer
1. Locate another system with the same version of VirusScan Enterprise to obtain a copy of the corrupt or missing .DLL file.
Copy the <File_Name> from the Common Framework directory to a portable media or network share that can be accessed by both systems.
Default location
For VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i and later C:\Program Files\McAfee\Common Framework
For VirusScan Enterprise 8.0i C:\Program Files\Network Associates\Common Framework
NOTE: These are default installation directories, depending on the software versions installed. If you specified a different directory during installation, use that location instead.
3. Copy the file.
4. On the affected system, copy the replacement file to the correct folder.
5. Click Start, Run, type CMD, and click OK.
Type the following command and press ENTER:
Regsvr32.exe <File_Path>\<File_Name>
NOTE: Replace File_Path with the full path to the new file and File_Name with the full name and extension of the file.
7. Click OK to confirm the file registration.
Hope some of these two solution will help you?