WinAce is not just another archiving shell. With it's own powerful compression format ACE and built-in support for other popular compression types like ZIP, RAR and MS-CAB (to name a few), WinAce could actually become the only archiver you need.
The feature list of WinAce includes:
* compression of the following formats: ACE, ZIP, LHA, MS-CAB, JAVA JAR
* decompression of: ACE, ZIP, LHA, MS-CAB, RAR, ARC, ARJ, GZip, TAR, ZOO, JAR
* multi-volume (disk spanning) archives for ACE, ZIP, CAB
* self-extracting archives (SFX) for ACE and ZIP
* password encryption & recovery records for data protection
* Integrity check for ACE, ZIP, LHA, MS-CAB, RAR, ARC, ARJ, GZip, TAR, ZOO, JAR
* Repair functionality for ACE and ZIP archives
* Authenticity verification for ACE archives
* comment files in HTML, ANSI or ASCII for ACE- and ZIP-Archives
* full command line access (compatible with DOS ACE)
* detailed information for all archive types
* Quickviewer for graphic files, Word Documents, HTML pages and ASCII files
* full drag&drop support
* complete file-management (copying, moving and deleting of files and directories)
* optimization of existing archives
* access to your archives in Windows Explorer and via the context menu (shell extension)
* table of contents in the "Properties" panel of ACE and ZIP files (shell extension)
* ... and so much more!
Download http://www.winace.com/