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Author Topic: Windows Home Server 1.0 finished, code goes RTM  (Read 3999 times)

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Windows Home Server 1.0 finished, code goes RTM
« on: 16. July 2007., 22:40:34 »
Microsoft announced today that Windows Home Server has been released to manufacturing (RTM). Major Microsoft partners will be receiving final code in the coming weeks, which means we'll start seeing official server products based on Windows Home Server sometime in September. HP, Gateway, Fujitsu-Siemens, Lacie, Medion and Iomega have all announced products based on WHS.
"System builder" code, which is partner-speak for the shrink-wrap "OEM version," should be available in approximately two month's time, which is also when a 120-day evaluation copy should also rear its head. French, German and Spanish editions won't be far behind.

Microsoft made a very wise decision when it reversed its position on making WHS available to end users through "system builder" programs last May. As a result, users can obtain Windows Home Server from any number of resellers who will offer the server software in "OEM bundles" with hard drives, motherboards, or even just cables. Microsoft has not yet announced pricing, but this could be a fantastic way to put an old PC to use.

Charlie Kindel, GM of Windows Home Server, shared part of the toast he gave to the WHS Team on the project's blog where the announcement was first made: "A community of highly enthusiastic customers rose around us. We made them part of the development process and rewarded them and they amplified our efforts," he said. "Congratulations and thanks for helping ship the coolest version of Windows ever: Windows Home Server."

We must admit to being fans of Windows Home Server ourselves, and we can testify to the strength of the community testing WHS. Participating in the beta over the past several months, we've found the code to be stable, the features well-thought-out (though we have some complaints), and the level of interest in the project is strong. If that interest spills over into development, WHS could become even better, since Microsoft released a WHS SDK in April. So far, Microsoft is playing all its cards right with this product.

We outlined the essential features of WHS earlier this year, but we'll be bringing you a review of the RTM code before too long. We have three reviewers working on WHS, so when our review is ready, it will be thorough. As always, let us know if there's anything in particular you'd like to see addressed.
ars technica
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Windows Home Server 1.0 finished, code goes RTM
« on: 16. July 2007., 22:40:34 »


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