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Author Topic: Shareaza (download)  (Read 4456 times)

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Shareaza (download)
« on: 23. March 2011., 19:06:07 »

Shareaza is a peer-to-peer client for Windows that allows you to download any file-type found on several popular P2P networks.

Shareaza is the most luxurious and sophisticated file sharing system you'll find. It can harness the power of up to four separate peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, including EDonkey2000, Gnutella, BitTorrent and Shareaza's native network, Gnutella2 (G2).

Not only that, but Shareaza is completely FREE and won't show any annoying ads or pop-ups. It won't install any unwanted third party programs that can wreak havoc with your computer. No spyware, no registration, no "paid version". Just download and use. Simple.

What you get with Shareaza:

    * Phenomenal Multi-Network Support - You can download/upload from these networks: EDonkey2000, Gnutella, BitTorrent and Gnutella2 (G2).
    * Shareaza Introduces "Collections" - Collections group previews of album covers, descriptions, and song lists all in one complete package. Once you've discovered the collection, just click the file list to download.
    * Kick-ass Interface with loads of features - This P2P client has a lot to offer and you reap all the benefits. With Shareaza's well designed interface you can do a lot more than all the other clients out there.

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Shareaza (download)
« on: 23. March 2011., 19:06:07 »


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